Interesting and Humour


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works :)


Real telephone dialogues between customers and operators of a window and door company.

- You glazed my loggia and put in a 10cm wide window sill, it needs to be changed for another one.
- What happened to the window sill?
- There's nothing wrong with it. You should get a wider window sill. The cat's going down.

Happy opening, Michael, fire up the verb and links :)
Happy opening, Mikhail, fire up the verb and links :)

Thank you, in light of recent cataclysms, here's an illustration of the relationship between the size of the planet and the volume of water on earth. I didn't save the link.


Thank you, in light of recent cataclysms, here's an illustration of the relationship between the size of the planet and the volume of water on earth. I didn't save the link.

I don't believe in comparative volumes. Maybe you mean drinking water. It's more plausible then.

Tomorrow if I find it I will give you a link to the calculations, there is also a ground and an atmospheric balloon, also small but bigger than a water balloon.
Tomorrow if I find it, I will give link to calculations, there is also Earth and atmospheric ball, too small but bigger than water ball.

made the calculations.

The volume of water on Earth is 1400-1500 million cubic kilometres, which is 1/800 of the volume of planet Earth.

This volume is distributed as follows: * world ocean - 1120 mln cubic kilometres; * thickness of Earth crust - 200 mln cubic kilometres; * continental and sub-polar glaciers - 30 mln cubic kilometres; * rivers, lakes, swamps - 4 mln cubic kilometres; * atmosphere - 12 thousand cubic kilometres;

According to volume formula the radius of this water ball =700 km, which is 9 times less than radius of Earth (Earth has 6350 km).

That basically corresponds to the picture.

Sent to the baths on the four, that must be how they transfer everyone to the five boom to study the five at least they warned me).