Interesting and Humour - page 1379

what does it matter?
You and a local comrade have a similar sense of humour.)
You and a local comrade have a similar sense of humour.)
Unfortunately for you, I don't))
Unfortunately for you, no))
You've already been told not to post. Who are you carrying on for? You?


Taken here


Taken here

Iron is trivial : )

It has been said that a city is a single organism.
Houses and the people who live in them are its living cells. Electricity, running water, sewerage are the things without which these cells could not exist. Gardens and parks are the lungs of a city, the centre is its heart. The roads, the arteries of the city, supply and feed its organs, its neighbourhoods, with the materials they need.
This living organism never stops living and it has to get rid of waste in the course of its life.
To continue the analogy, the City of Scavengers, as this quarter of Cairo is called, is the liver of an old and sick organism that is more than a dozen centuries old.

Lots of photos


There's a Chinese part of the forum here. So here are proverbs from China(from here) - to get to know that part of the forum better (the age-old wisdom of an entire nation):


  • Open your eyes quickly, open your mouth slowly.
  • You can't fit two spoons in one mouth.
  • A fly won't fly into a whole egg.
  • A tree falls, the macaques scatter.
  • If a woman has no talent, that's a virtue.
  • What civil servant is unselfish?
  • The lamp does not illuminate itself.
  • A woman's heart is the most unhealthy.
  • What you do is what you say.


Not in the pogrammer sense ) but a piece of wood