Interesting and Humour - page 3455


House owned by artist Armando Muñoz Garcia (Baja California, Mexico)

Server Muradasilov:

House owned by artist Armando Muñoz Garcia (Baja California, Mexico)

This is not his only house, there are more like it:

Nikolay Kositsin:
Why would I do that? It is not forbidden to use your enemy's weapon to destroy him! That's very clever. I suppose this internet would have no problem being invented elsewhere if the planet didn't have this parasite genocidal high-tech capability in other countries.

come on don't dilute it, it's not that bad I already took the oil down ...... keep your tail up


The creators of Fantastic Creatures have been accused of copying a Soviet cartoon. That was the accusation levelled against the creators of Fantastic Creatures by scientists at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). According to Evgeny Garin, head of TUSUR's technology centre, the matches were detected by a new anti-plagiarism system designed primarily to identify copied material in scientific papers.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, TUSUR researchers and their Anti-Plagiarism Ideas System have already managed to find certain plot connections between Star Wars and Koshchei the Immortal, as well as The Matrix and The Adventures of Pinocchio.

Томские ученые нашли плагиат в фильме о мире Гарри Поттера
Томские ученые нашли плагиат в фильме о мире Гарри Поттера
Аппаратно-программный комплекс антиплагиатора нового поколения, разработанный группой томских ученых, обнаружил подозрительное сходство нового фильма "Фантастические твари и где они обитают" и советского мультфильма "Тайна третьей планеты". По мнению ученых, сюжет фантастического фильма на 90 процентов копирует сюжет знаменитого советского...
Расследование Das Magazin: как Big Data и пара ученых обеспечили победу Трампу и Brexit
Расследование Das Magazin: как Big Data и пара ученых обеспечили победу Трампу и Brexit
  • The Insider
В субботу швейцарский журнал Das Magazin опубликовал расследование о том, как технологии персонализированной рекламы в сети Facebook повлияли на итоги выборов в США и референдума о выходе Великобритании из ЕС. Как отмечает немецкий Spiegel, многие журналисты уже стали называть расследование «текстом года». В нем есть все: и новейшие технологии...
Igor Konyashin:

The creators of Fantastic Creatures have been accused of copying a Soviet cartoon. That was the accusation levelled against the creators of Fantastic Creatures by scientists at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). According to Evgeny Garin, head of TUSUR's technological centre, the matches were discovered by a new system called "Anti-Plagiarism Ideas", designed primarily to identify copied material in scientific works.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, TUSUR researchers and their Anti-Plagiarism Ideas System have already managed to find certain plot connections between Star Wars and Koschei the Immortal, as well as The Matrix and The Adventures of Pinocchio.

here's all the yeehawing "parasite" ))))))

For the first time in 58 years: a car from the USA made its way to Cuba

Alfonso Albajsa is now CEO of Design Infiniti, but he always remembered that his home country was Cuba (although Alfonso was born and raised in Miami)

And after relations between the USA and Cuba became not so strained, he decided to come to this country. And with a car that is made in the USA. And which came directly from the US - previously American cars could theoretically get into Cuba, but via Mexico or Canada.

Infiniti has made a small video clip on this occasion. Which shows how Cubans live now and how they react to a modern car. It's quite touching.

Igor Konyashin:

The creators of Fantastic Creatures have been accused of copying a Soviet cartoon. That was the accusation levelled against the creators of Fantastic Creatures by scientists at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR). According to Evgeny Garin, head of TUSUR's technology centre, the matches were discovered by a new system called "Anti-Plagiarism Ideas", designed primarily to identify copied material in scientific papers.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, TUSUR researchers and their Anti-Plagiarism Ideas System have already managed to find certain plot connections between Star Wars and Koshchei the Immortal, as well as The Matrix and The Adventures of Pinocchio.

Here we go... It was British Scientists, now it's Tom's Scientists.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Here we go... It was "British Scientists", now it's "Tomsk Scientists".
It has long been known that "Three Comrades" and "Golden Calf" are one and the same work.
Турфирму из Нальчика оштрафовали на 134 тыс. руб. за хранение Windows XP
Турфирму из Нальчика оштрафовали на 134 тыс. руб. за хранение Windows XP
  • 2016.12.08
  • Александр Кондратьев
Арбитражный суд Кабардино-Балкарской Республики обнародовал текст решения по делу Microsoft против ООО "Элси-трек". Шесть лет назад американская компания подала иск против турфирмы из Нальчика. При осмотре её офиса в 2010 г. УБЭП обнаружил 3 экземпляра Windows ХР Professional, 2 экземпляра Microsoft Office 2003 Professional и 1 экземпляр...