Interesting and Humour - page 4881


Die on the beach from old age? Built a house. Planted a tree. Raised a son. Died of old age...

The Buridan donkey starved to death.

PS ok. The engineer is anti-vaccine. What difference does it make?

The anti-vaccination engineer, though not a medical professional, does not believe in fairy tales, but trusts reasonable numbers and probabilities from many factors.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

If he works as an engineer, HR manager to the crocodiles)

Bingo, and the people who interviewed him, too.


Viktor Tsoi and the band KINO

"An engineer and an anti-vaccinationist approach a bridge over a river teeming with crocodiles and piranhas.
The anti-vaccinationist asks the engineer:
- Is it safe to walk across this bridge?
The engineer replies:
- It is 99.97% safe to walk across this bridge.
- Hmm. Then I'd rather swim." (с)





I put in the inverted commas and the letter (c).



I put in inverted commas and a "c.

Well, there goes the joke...


99.97% - 1 in 3333 - as a sacrifice, one per village.


Well, there goes the joke...

Of course it's a joke.

You thought it was a real-life joke?


It's an anecdote, of course.

Did you think it was a real life case?

I don't think... It takes a head to think, and a horse has a big head. So let it think.