Interesting and Humour - page 4449

Aлександр Антошкин:

Wow beautiful, just a nice ride, must have wet trousers coming out of there ))))))


This pose helps to normalise blood pressure,

stimulates the thyroid gland,

it's great for relaxing after a day's work.

Igor Makanu:

Where to laugh? The quality of the screenshot isn't great, but it's tolerable.

Igor Makanu:

Did you just ask the question as a moderator or as a user? I'll answer both:

- have I broken the rules of this thread?

- the topic of fractals and self-similarity is discussed elsewhere, perhaps the phrase "package with packages..." is not the worst example of self-similarity

As a user. Saw that something appeared in the "Humour ..." thread and went to look. Thought the quality of the screenshot caused the humour.


Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Outside fASHION.....

Remembered Dad's walk


Honestly, I just got here myself!


Liked the story, not mine, but close in spirit


The priest tried to calm the rage seething inside, exhaled, and knocked on the door.

- I'm coming, I'm coming. - A sound came from behind the door.

The latch clicked, the door opened, and a middle-aged man with piercing blue eyes stood in the doorway.

- Erm." the priest mumbled. - Is this... Do you live here?

- No. I just answer the door. - The man grinned. - What do you want?

- I would like to speak to the master. - The priest mingled.

- Your masters are not here. - The man announced. - And I have no masters. So you must have the wrong address.

- Is this your house? If it is, I would like to talk to you. - The priest was stubborn.

- Come in. - The man nodded, then added more quietly. - Nothing good would come of it, I suppose.

The house was cool and surprisingly quiet. The priest surveyed the unpretentious furnishings in the living room: wooden furniture, pictures on the walls, a massive fireplace, two armchairs by the fireplace.

- It isn't much. - The priest said.

- Not much to me. - The man shrugged. - It's comfortable and uncomplicated. Have a seat in this chair.

The master sat down, took his pipe out of his pocket and filled it with tobacco.

- You know... - the priest began.

- One moment. - The man stopped him.

He filled the pipe with tobacco, lit it, let out a cloud of smoke and said without looking at the Reaper:

- Now let's talk.

- You know, I came to your city by chance. I am, as you probably know from my robes, a faithful servant of Gha, our one God... - began to tell the priest.

- Ghah! - Coughing the master. - Gha-gha.

- Exactly. - The Priest nodded. - And when I stopped at Toad and the Deerstalker's...

- At Sanah's? - He nodded, making it quite clear that he knew the innkeeper.

- At his place. - The Reaper nodded. - We've been trying to negotiate his better room.

- He has only one room. - The landlord laughed.

- It doesn't matter!" the Priest interrupted. - I have asked for some respect for a faithful servant of the god Gha.

- Gha-gha. - The landlord coughed again.

- Exactly. - The Priest nodded. - The strange man told me that he had no respect for the Gha God himself. To say nothing of his servants. I tried to guide him on the path of truth and told him of the greatness of the Gha God. Then he began to mock me and told me that my ideas about Gha were different from the truth. Then I fell into a holy rage and wanted to take the life of the heretic. I was stopped by the visitors to the inn. And they told me that San was quite right. That the god Gha lives in this city and that I could meet him at any time. И...

- And here you are. - Gha nodded. - What do you want to know?

- What do you mean, I am here? - The man exhaled. - You are not saying that... You cannot be the omnipotent Gha, can you?

- Why not? - Gha looked at him questioningly. - Who can forbid the all-powerful Gha to live in that hole?

- You cannot be him! - The Priest breathed out. - You are... You are mad!

- Or you do not understand my thoughts. - Gha smiled. - I can live here. This whole world is mine. I can settle in any corner of it. Along with my son.

- Stop! - shouted the Priest. - The son of Gha has taken the torment for all of us. Gha himself has sent him on this mission. Do not sully his name! Even your madness cannot be an excuse.

- I did not send him to torment! I merely let him go for a walk. - Ghaa grimaced. - This is my second son. This one I do not let go from me. He is sleeping now. So please be kind enough not to shout in the house.

- All right, all right. - tried to calm down the Priest. - How do you prove that you are the Almighty?

- I don't. - Gha shrugged. - I don't care about the mistrust of ordinary people. And I don't have to prove anything to anybody.

- You are deceiving these poor illiterate people! - The Priest has again become fierce. - You are an impostor. You are a mad impostor.

- You have a right not to believe in me. - Gha shrugged again. - That is of no concern to me. Will the mountain become smaller if a blind man cannot see it? You can walk out the door and go on living as you did before you came here. Or you can believe me and still have to leave. Just because you can't live with me and my son.

- I've spent my whole life serving...

- I did not force you to serve me. - interrupted Gha. - I don't need servants. I don't care.

And spat on the floor.

- You are mad! - The priest blurted out and kicked.

It hit Gha in the knee. The god cursed profanely and rubbed the bruised area.

- Get out of here. - He hissed. - Get out!

- And you, you sizzle me! - The priest jumped up and grabbed Gha by the shoulders. - Make me vanish! Make me vanish! Come on, impostor! Stop me!

The priest shook Gha by the shoulders and beat him with his fists. A red veil of sacred anger covered his eyes. Gha first tried to cover himself with his hands, then he stopped resisting and just moaned softly. Then the moans stopped as well.

- It was your own fault. - Breathing heavily the Priest said to the breathless Ghas. - You shouldn't have played that. You insulted me and my faith. Serves you right.

- Dad?" There was a boy, about seven years old, standing in the doorway. - What on earth...

The priest grabbed a knife from the table and walked slowly towards the boy:

- Forgive me, child. But I cannot leave room for doubts... They will lift you up... You must forgive...

Horror flashed in the boy's eyes and was immediately replaced by frank joy.

- Papa!" he shouted joyfully to someone behind him.

The priest wanted to turn around but could not. Someone's large and inhumanly strong hands grabbed him by the head and started to turn him to his left side. The priest tried to unclench his hands, stabbing at the man standing behind him, howling and moaning in terror and pain.

- You can kill the god in you. - Gha's voice rang out. - As many times as you like. As many times as you like. It is your own business.

- I believe... - shouted the Priest and realised he was already looking into the blue eyes of God.

- But you cannot harm my son! - To the crack of vertebrae Gha finished his sentence.

He lowered the breathless priest to the floor and added:

- Not for the second time. I am not as bad a father as you all here think.


Eviation Aircraft promises to reduce the cost of air travel by 70%.

At the Le Bourget Airshow, Israeli company Eviation Aircraft unveiled the world's first all-electric light-engine aircraft, the Eviation Alice.
Alice uses lightweight composite materials in its construction and can be fitted with batteries weighing around 3 tonnes. Alice has a cruising speed of 480 km/h and a range of up to 1,050 km.
Alice has a seating capacity of 2 crew members and 9 passengers.
"Alice is powered by three 375hp Magni250 engines from MagniX in Redmond, USA.
Following the airshow, Alice will travel to Arizona where flight tests will commence before the end of the year. Eviation Aircraft intends to have the aircraft certified by the end of 2021 and begin deliveries to customers as early as 2022.
Customers will also be able to choose an alternative Alice delivery option - with Siemens propulsion systems. The contract with Siemens was announced back in February.