Interesting and Humour - page 3137


The European Championships are nervously cackling....

Interesting science hyphoons to help you learn new things and explain what you already know.
Познавательная анимация. Класс!. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Познавательная анимация. Класс!. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
  • ГалинаБирюковаКИРИЛЮК
Цитата сообщения ЛЮДМИЛА_МЕРКУЛОВА Познавательная анимация. Класс! Чудеса преломления света в воде Извержение вулкана, вид с МКС Космический мусор Солнечная система Гидрофобный песок Гексафторид серы тяжелее воздуха Горячий чай и галлиевая ложечка Собака лакает  Сова вертит головой почти на 360 градусов  Формирование лица ребенка...
Выиграй полет в невесомости с Veeam и Zero Gravity (США)
Выиграй полет в невесомости с Veeam и Zero Gravity (США)
За прошедший год количество наших клиентов сильно выросло и достигло отметки почти в 200 тысяч. В связи c достижением очередной “круглой цифры”, мы решили...
An oligarch is being buried. The coffin is standing. Friends are gathered together.
Gusinsky walks up to the deceased, takes out his wallet,
takes out 200 dollars, puts it in the coffin and sorrowfully walks away.
Gusinsky is followed to the coffin by Potanin, also takes out a purse,
counts out $200, puts it in the coffin, walks away.
Finally, Berezovsky runs up. Takes out a chequebook,
writes a check for $600, puts it in the coffin, takes out $400
in cash, walks away.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Burying an oligarch...
And here's more about oligarchs... not an anecdote.
Какой прекрасный сравнительный анализ олигархов США и России
Какой прекрасный сравнительный анализ олигархов США и России
Какой прекрасный сравнительный анализ олигархов США и России США Джон Хопкинс (1795-1873) - один из богатейших людей XIX в., торговец и совладелец железных дорог - основал John Hopkins University (16-ое место в рейтинге университетов) и John Hopkins Hospital. Джон Рокфеллер (1839 – 1937) - глава Standard Oil, самый богатый человек в истории...
Aleksey Levashov:
And here is more about oligarchs... not an anecdote.

Note the dates are mostly 19th and 20th century oligarchs. So the comparison is not quite correct. We should not compare them with today's Russian oligarchs, but with the oligarchs of the Russian Empire. For example:

Russian industrialist and patron of the arts S.T. Morozov (1862-1905);

The Stroganovs are a Russian merchant and noble family, whose representatives were major merchants, industrialists, landowners and statesmen in the 16th-20th centuries;

Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin 1865-1929 Collector, founder of the Theatre Museum (now bears his name) ;

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov 1832-1898 Co-owner of weaving factories. Collector of the Russian fine arts, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery. Honorary citizen of Moscow;

Savva Mamontov 1841-1918 Builder of railways. His Abramtsevo estate became the centre of artistic life in Russia in the second half of the 19th century;

And there are a lot of people like that if you look for them. There were people at that time, not unlike today.

To be fair, perhaps the only Russian oligarch who is a selfless philanthropist is Alisher Usmanov.

On 17 September 2007, one day before the Sotheby's auction, Alisher Usmanov bought the 450-lot Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya art collection for US$ 111.750 million. It is noteworthy that according to a preliminary estimate, the value of the collection was $26-40 million. After the purchase, Usmanov donated the collection to the Russian government and it is currently on display at the Konstantinovsky Palace in St. Petersburg. At the same time, in September 2007, Usmanov bought the exclusive rights to the collection of Soviet cartoons from Oleg Vidov's company Films by Jove, Inc. and gave it to the children's channel Bibigon. In 2013, Alisher Usmanov's Art, Science and Sport Foundation returned the paintings by Frans Hals the Elder "Evangelist Mark" to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.
In May 2011 Usmanov was one of the top five British philanthropists in a ranking compiled by The Sunday Times. According to the publication, credit for this goes to the entrepreneur's funding of the Art, Science and Sport Foundation;
Usmanov's total charitable spending last year was about $126.5 million.
In 2013, Alisher Usmanov was ranked first in Forbes magazine's list of Russian philanthropists.
Vladimir Pastushak:
Why is it written in Chinese at the bottom?
Alexey Busygin:
Why is it written in Chinese on the bottom?
I guess the Chinese migrant workers are now working at Avtovaz))