Interesting and Humour - page 347


Now the chemistry.


A robot uprising in Perm


50 years

USSR - Novocherkassk shooting - 24 dead

USA - 9/11 from "dubious" tower attack - 2,977 killed

NATO Desert Storm, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya - killed ... thousands of civilians.

It's kind of one-sided.

In 1934, the Year of the Drought in the U.S., 5 million 400 thousand people died of starvation! In the same year, the United States destroyed more than 1 million wagons of GRAIN (enough to feed 100 million people for one year), 267 thousand wagons of coffee, 258 thousand tons of SUGAR, 26 thousand tons of RICE, 25 thousand tons of MEAN.

Интернирование японцев в США

Закон о переселении индейцев

Atomic Bombings: Total death toll ranged from 90,000 to 166,000 at Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 at Nagasaki


USSR - Novocherkassk shooting - 24 people killed

USA - 9/11 from "dubious" tower attack - 2,977 killed

NATO Desert Storm, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya - killed ... thousands of civilians.

It's kind of one-sided.

In 1934, the Year of the Drought in the USA, 5 million 400 thousand people died of starvation! In the same year, the United States destroyed more than 1 million wagons of GRAIN (enough to feed 100 million people for one year), 267 thousand wagons of coffee, 258 thousand tons of SUGAR, 26 thousand tons of RICE, 25 thousand tons of MEAN.

Интернирование японцев в США

Закон о переселении индейцев

Atomic Bombings: Total death toll ranged from 90,000 to 166,000 at Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 at Nagasaki

Yeah, beat your own so that other people will be afraid. A million this way, a million that way. How old are you, Bolkonsky?
Yeah, beat your own people so that other people will be afraid.
"When the war is over, everything will sort itself out. And we will give up everything we have - all the gold, all the material power to fool and deceive people?

The human brain, the consciousness of people is capable of change. By spreading chaos there, we quietly replace their values with false ones and make them believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself.

Episodically, the tragedy of death of the most unruly people on earth; the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness will be played out episode by episode. From literature and art, for example, we shall gradually eradicate their social essence, we shall discourage artists from depicting... from exploring, as it were, those processes that take place in the depths of the masses of the people. Literature, theatres, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will support and uplift in every way the so-called creators who will plant and implant the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal -- in short, all kinds of immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in the governance of the state.

Unnoticed, but actively and constantly we will be encouraging arrogance, bribery and unscrupulousness on the part of bureaucrats. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to a virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed, becoming a relic of the past. Rudeness and impudence, lying and deceit, alcoholism and drug addiction, animal fear of one another and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of nations, above all enmity and hatred towards the Russian people - all that we will deftly and unnoticed cultivate, all that will blossom in full bloom.

And only few, very few people will guess or even understand what is going on. But we will put such people in a helpless position, we will make a mockery of them, we will find a way to denigrate them and declare them as the dregs of society. We will tear out their spiritual roots, we will taint and destroy the foundation of public morality. We will undermine generation after generation. We will be taking on people from childhood and adolescence. Our main stake will always be on young people, we will be corrupting them, corrupting and molesting them. We will make cynics, vulgar, cosmopolitans out of them. That is how we will do it.

(A.Dulles. "Reflections on the Implementation of the American
post-war doctrine against the USSR", 1945).
(A.Dulles. "Reflections on the Implementation of the American
post-war doctrine against the USSR", 1945).
Yes, they have enemies and spies and we have patriots and spies. How old are you, Bolkonsky?

(A.Dulles. "Reflections on the Implementation of the American
post-war doctrine against the USSR", 1945).

Стало интересно первоисточник

The Dulles Plan(Dulles Doctrine) is a US plan of action against the USSR during the Cold War, described in the conspiracy theory popular in Russia, consisting in the hidden moral degradation of the population of the USSR (Russia). The authorship of the plan is attributed to the head of the CIA (1953-1961) Allen Dulles. In the form cited by supporters of the conspiracy theory, "The Dulles Plan" has never been published and the original English text has never been produced[1].

The title "Dulles Plan" is applied to two texts in particular: The first text is a compilation of fragments of A.S. Ivanov' s novel "The Eternal Call" in 1981[2][3] The aim of the plan is to destroy the USSR using propaganda methods aimed at the separation of nationalities and social groups, the loss of traditions, moral values and moral decay of the population. The authorship is attributed to the head of the CIA (1953-1961) Allen Dulles[4]. The second text is US National Security Council Memorandum 20/1, "Objectives Regarding Russia," dated August 18, 1948[5].

Sometimes "The Dulles Plan" is referred to as US National Security Council Memorandum 20/1 ("Russia Tasks")[5] of August 18, 1948 (NSC 20/1 1948), which is an analytical document prepared by the US National Security Council at the request of Secretary of Defense James Forrestol on the long-term objectives of US policy towards the USSR. This document is not associated with either Allen Dulles or the CIA. There are no coincidences or common places in the texts of the so-called "Dulles Plan" (going back to Ivanov's novel) and "US NSC Memorandum 20/1". Moreover, the name "Dulles Plan" refers not to the full text of the document, but to a combination of excerpts cited in the book by N.N. Yakovlev, "The CIA against the USSR" (Moscow: Pravda, 1983)[15].

To understand that you cited lines taken out of context it is enough to read VIKI at least.

The Dulles Plan is nothing but speculation of our writers about how it could be, and it is not based on any documents.

ZZZY It is necessary to shift the blame for our inability to build a bright future onto someone else. Everyone is to blame but us. We are so naive and defenseless, everybody influences us and we just eat it up.

ZZZI From this it is easy to draw a conclusion in the right direction for the authorities: "It is necessary to tighten control, everyone who is against is an enemy".


Well in general to understand that you have cited lines taken out of context it is enough to read at least VIKI

The text in the link you cite is known. There is no corroboration, but no refutation of the authenticity of Dulles' words. "There is no smoke without fire".

By the way, Directive 20/1 - here its text is documented.

p.s. The "Dulles quote" (I will put it in quotes) is in response to Mishka's "evidentiary" and one-sided rhetoric


Интернирование японцев в США

Atomic Bombings: Total death toll ranged from 90,000 to 166,000 in Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 in Nagasaki

Did you know that Japan attacked the U.S.? This is news to many "patriots" of our time.