Interesting and Humour - page 179

I could be wrong, but I read somewhere that the Bear lives in the Baltics.
Mishek lives in Russia.
Mishek lives in Russia.

That's where the 'legs' are coming from. The topic on 4ka Mishek writes:"If Latvia, can they come to Smiltane or Bloma this week? I will give them to you in cash. I will send it to you in Russia using your method". He talks about Russia as an external state for him and mentions a certain group of people who have no shortage of cash. In the light of his active agit-political publications in the thread and the well-known practice of using humourists for subversive information activities - all this together leads to an unambiguous conclusion that Mishek is a subversive. And saboteurs inhabit both here and there. In this regard, MetaQuotes, providing a platform for information political sabotage, and in violation of its own rules of the forum, is either a co-conspirator or an "agent of influence".


The Thing


Zhirik at Spotlight, from 14.21

Came in for a laugh, got it))

Mischka's an agent. Sitting in his lodge outside, subverting the world. That's what the Humor thread is for.

Paid, what do you want. these are the friends he wants on the "handpicked" list