Interesting and Humour - page 1094

Ugh, first honest confession. You're progressing )

i'm a progressive stump bear )

you'd think it wasn't fair before, like I said before, it's not money and it's not a tool to play consciously

Oh, you said it yourself-bubble.

All-Union parade of athletes on Red Square, 1937

Such a case was ...

I like to holiday without a travel agency. So one day I went to Turkey. I booked the hotel in advance. When I arrived, I realised that I was the only Russian-speaking person in the hotel. So I went as far as the city centre to take an excursion and bought one from a local travel agency.

The next morning a bus came to pick me up:
half of the bus were our tourists from St. Petersburg, the other half were Belgians. The Belgians understood neither Russian, nor English.
Our people understood only Russian (except for me and one more woman, at the other end of the bus).

Guide (in English): "Since we have half of the bus understand only Russian, and the rest - only French - so I will conduct this tour in English.

The bus drove off and the tour started. At first, I and the woman at the other end of the bus were translating into Russian. Then we got tired ...
The Belgians were not translated at all.
So everyone was bored... so ... .....

But on the way out of town we all saw goats. Real goats. Lots of them.

Anyway, I'm not going to explain too much, but if you go to Antalya and you see a tourist bus going by and women, children and men are shouting in Russian and French "KOZLY-YOU", you know that those are Russian and Belgian tourists going on an excursion.

Retire the President

Bolkonsky, you're not allowed to comment

About 500 tonnes of international mail have piled up at Moscow customs posts and airports and parcel recipients, mainly Russian buyers of goods from foreign online shops, should once again be patient, Russian Post has warned. Deutsche Post, Germany's largest postal operator, has already asked for the situation to be dealt with.

ROSSIA Post, ahead of time to the customer