Interesting and Humour - page 4133


Russian bloggers have made a clip about Kim Jong-un's sexual ties to a nuclear bomb.
Российские блогеры сняли клип о сексуальных связях Ким Чен Ына с ядерной бомбой
Российские блогеры сняли клип о сексуальных связях Ким Чен Ына с ядерной бомбой
  • 2017.12.08
Участники творческого объединения LITTLE BIG посвятили музыкальный клип северокорейскому лидеру Ким Чен Ыну и его любви к оружию массового уничтожения. Ролик был опубликован на YouTube. На видео сидящий на торжественном обеде Ким Чен Ын знакомится с ракетой, и у пары завязываются романтические отношения. Влюбленные часами разговаривают по...

For the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission to the Moon, NASA has made an amazing website. You can follow the flight in real time. Conversations with Earth (3000 hours of audio), 22 hours of video, over 4200 photos. The entire expedition minute by minute:


I'm writing from memory:

"My bad, I was wrong. I got angry. I think it was an ugly mistake. Please give me a chance to make amends. Gone to English."

Andrei Mironov, Ural Dumplings, The Ordinary Miracle.


Igor Konyashin:

For the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission to the moon, NASA has made an amazing website. You can follow the flight in real time. Conversations with Earth (3,000 hours of audio), 22 hours of video, over 4,200 photos. The entire expedition minute by minute:

Weak - Santa Barbara's record is not broken. We need to keep working

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Weak - Santa Barbara's record is not broken. We've got to keep working.

They're working, they're working.

It's not them who are weak, it's other people who are weak.)

Igor Konyashin:

They work, they work.

And it's not them who are weak, it's other people who are weak.)

"We plan to have a permanent station on the Moon by 2015"


friends, can you suggest a mafia series?


- fargo

- underground empire.

- sharp visors.

- soprano clan

- godfather

- parson


Igor Konyashin:

For the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission to the moon, NASA has made an amazing website. You can follow the flight in real time. Conversations with Earth (3000 hours of audio), 22 hours of video, over 4200 photos. The entire expedition minute by minute:

Not even surprisingly didn't think NASA's site would be .org

Denis Sartakov:

friends, can you suggest a mafia series?

Breaking Bad is a drama about a self-made drug mafia from scratch.

Alexander Puzanov:

Breaking Bad is a drama about a self-made drug mafia from the ground up.

One of the best films of recent times in every aspect: the script, the acting, the idea itself, the nature - absolutely everything. The truth is 60 episodes