Interesting and Humour - page 4189


The topic is very interesting, and more importantly, inescapable,

But the gathering in the video does not look like a community of scientists, but rather a handful of fearful retrogrades who are afraid of everything new, the Luddites of postmodernity,

they're all about twisting, sophistry and demonizing new technologies, conspiracy theories, and highlighting the horrors of the digital world,

threats everywhere, total surveillance, ruling clans and US intelligence is everywhere, ZOG is everywhere...

and yes by the nature of the speakers' speeches it's clear that they seem to be intelligent on one side, but generally hopelessly backward...

almost every bit of the speech shows superstition and piling up of "spiritual" ballast...

the speech is dominated by the words "in all aspects", "absolutely", "total", over-generalizations are made, of course without any proof...

this video is a clear result of what happens when amateurs start talking about a topic they know nothing about...

fortunately, they're not dangerous nutjobs, let them get together and scare each other...

They have specifics and you have none at all.

The digital world is an extremely dangerous world for ordinary human concepts: for the first time in history, there is a possibility of total control over EVERY person, even before they are born.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

They have specifics and you have none at all.

The digital world is an extremely dangerous world for ordinary human concepts: for the first time in history there is a possibility of total control over EVERY person, even before they are born.

And what specifics do they have other than distortions and generalizations?

In before - that it's all a conspiracy and invented by the CIA - complete nonsense and inadequate conspiracy theory.

but as for the tracking and privacy - the topic is really important, especially with special services demanding decryption keys (I am referring to yesterday's news about FSB and Telegram)

and even though I personally don't care about Telegram (only decentralized p2p! only hardcore!), I can see how it could get out:

Durov can hand over the keys to the Chekists, formally fulfilling the requirement, but at the same time introduce a second end-to-end encryption layer, or better even a standalone application chasing traffic through Telegram,

And it can be released unofficially, by a "third party" not affiliated to Telegram, let the Chekists decrypt it until the end of time )))))))).

(but if you are serious about privacy, then jabber forever or your own private hidden service)

in general, privacy breaches are usually caused by people revealing too much about themselves ))))))

and it's great that there will soon be new interfaces between man and machine -

for example, this text that I'm penciling in with my fingers could be typed in much faster,

digitization is still a long way off but I believe it will happen and maybe we'll live...

right now we have to live in a fragile protein shell and feed the body 3 times a day so it doesn't die...

and also this body is capricious, sometimes sick, sometimes lack of stimulation etc.

the whole history of mankind is largely concerned with the preservation and maintenance of the protein shell...

from prehistoric times to the present - banal stupid biological survival with fierce intraspecific competition (sometimes inadequate)

at some point the synergetic component must win out and humanity must move to a new level,

that will be devoid of disadvantages: without capricious physiology, without chronic diseases,

no random inbreeding with unpredictable results (genetic roulette)...

and of course society has to change too, i.e. it will be a completely different world,

a significant increase in longevity and comfort will reduce the need for constant population reproduction,

so for example the family institution will inevitably disappear as we know it now and many other things will change,

e.g. bank interest rates should go down as longevity increases,

but the transition will probably be very painful - the traditionalists will get hot, they will be uncomfortable and they will resent it,

the traditionalists will try to stop progress and conserve the state of society...

However, this has already happened in history and we know that traditionalists always lose,

So the Sumerians lost (dissolved), the Egyptian civilization lost, unable to compete with the Greco-Roman civilization,

probably also lost to the Dravidians, who lost to the Aryans,

that is, it is a natural process - the new replaces the old...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

They have specifics and you have none at all.

The digital world is an extremely dangerous world for ordinary human concepts: for the first time in history there is the possibility of total control over EVERY person, even before they are born.

Total control over EVERY person has always existed and will continue to exist in the future. This is how human society is set up.

Only the methods and means of this control change.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The digital world is an extremely dangerous world for ordinary human concepts: for the first time in history there is the possibility of total control over EVERY person, even before they are born.

It's not all that sad. A person's thoughts cannot be controlled...


It's not all that sad. Man's thoughts cannot be controlled...


Every new "trendy thing" bought just because it's trendy disproves this idea.

And there are countless examples of this.

Here's another example. Replacing a CRT TV with a panel. It seems to have reached the quality of CRT and OLED panels. But it's been 20 years, all fucking progress.

But it's the little things.

It is a matter of principle.

Progress is called progress in consumption. And in the history of mankind, do we remember anyone by the criterion of consumption? Shall we remember? How much did they consume? Were they just rich people?

The whole point of Chetverikova's publications is to deny progress as progress in consumption. After all, why do we need control? The only answer: to keep consumption from falling, to impose what we don't need.

And one more clarification.

All "progress" is consumption without boundaries of a ridiculous fraction of the world's population, little more than a statistical margin of error.


СанСаныч Фоменко:

The only answer is to keep consumption down, to impose what we don't need.

This is outdated and people do not fall for it because there are different ways to spend their money... and we cannot force the masses to buy herring or sunflower seeds en masse))

You can already tell from the cover of the book that this content is nothing more than conspiracy theories of a crazy woman:

Although who knows, maybe it's true that the priests of the Abrahamic religions are really werewolves in some figurative sense


Our admin printed it out today and hung it on the door:

0. Can't clearly explain the reason for your visit to me - 5 slaps.

1. Talking off-topic in chat - 1 punch in the face.

2. left a session unclosed and went home - 4 hits in the scoreboard.

3. opened and rolled more than 50 windows, protested computer lags - 2 blows in the scoreboard.

4. Sent by e-mail scan of anything larger than 4Mb - 1 punch in the coccyx.

5. Sent on e-mail scan of anything larger than 32Mb - 1 blow to the head with a crowbar.

6. Stuck a paper with a paper clip into a printer - 1 punch in the scoreboard (but with his foot and with a swing).

7. Didn't plug something in, but came to complain it wasn't working - 40 slaps.

8. Forgetting your personal password - 4 kicks + flick.

9. Failed to google an elementary thing himself - 20 reprimands + abusive swear words.

10. "Oh, I can't find where I saved it" - open palm strike to the forehead. With all his might.

11. Attempting to ask a question, the answer to which is in FaQ - 1 punch to the gut with a fist.

P. S. Fans of writing in this manner, make a will beforehand.

Yesterday I paid 1147 rubles for the overhaul of my house. I looked on the Moscow government website, my house will be repaired in 2033 (in 18 years). The total area of my house, according to the same website, is 56778 sq m. And now my favourite. Let's calculate: For 18 years I will pay: 1147 roubles * 12 months * 18 years = 247'752 roubles. For 18 years my whole house will pay: 56778 sq. m. * 15 rubles * 12 months * 18 years = 153'300'600 rubles. I thought we just pipes and roof repairs (so the site they say), but judging by the amount of repairs, as early as 2033 at my house will be golden domes, at least two helipads, armored windows, high-speed lifts, kevlar walls and platinum plating on the banisters, well, just for beauty. I express my sincere gratitude to everyone who came up with or has at least something to do with the authorship of this wonderful, timely and so generous social programme. bow to you.