Interesting and Humour - page 2722


Piggy forever

The men went to some wildlife reserve for a holiday: hunting, fishing. They paid the fee - all as required by law. Theywere instructed that the trophies, exceeding the prepaidand allowed trophies, are considered to be poaching. They had a rest, they went back home contentedly. At the exit from the zakaznik we checked them - everything is ok, nothing extra. The road is empty - they go ahead... Suddenly they look: there is a lonely glass jar, filled with something on the roadside. They stop, approach - there is black caviar in it. They think: something is wrong... They take a look: caviar is normal, fresh - everything is OK. What to do - they took it with them. So they drive on. They were thinking: we have caviar, we have vodka - why not stop for a break? That's what they decided. They stopped, sat down, poured. They eat the caviar with spoons, drink it happily. They ate it all, in general. Then we drove on. About 10 kilometres away, there is a traffic police checkpoint and they are stopped. They ask:
- Are you from a wildlife reserve?
- Yes.
- Got any trophy licences?
- Yeah, they're all there...
Checked it out - it's OK. Keep it up...
- Anything hidden?
- No, nothing.
They don't believe me, they've decided to look... They look for a long time - there's nothing. Finally one of the cops couldn't take it anymore:
- Are we bringing any poached caviar?
- We're not bringing anything! You checked it yourself...
Looked again... Some whispering between traffic cops... Finally, the same guy asks:
- Guys, where's the three-litre jar of black caviar?
- What jar?! We've already checked it twice!
- Did you eat it or what?!
  • Amigo Crn
by Amigo Crn
- Mark Antony, your one sandal is dirty.
- I know. Octavian is so awkward.)

The miniature "August has come."
Karputov Vladimir:

ingenious, paste from your pocket, and delete what the link refers to,

at least add a link from the original.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
ingenious, paste in your pocket, and delete what the link refers to, at least add a link.
How about removing the offended look on your face and looking closely at the pasted from your pocket?