Interesting and Humour - page 4967

All men are grateful to Apple for pushing through iPhone sales on the eve of March 8)
Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

It is a temporary measure. The market goes up if everyone buys and goes down if everyone sells. Now it is not profitable to sell the rouble. Currency transfers abroad have also come to a halt.

The speculators (the 1% who are in the plus side) are actually making the most of the volatility now. Trading gold and oil.

As soon as oil goes $120+ the world recession will start, which means they will scratch their heads, think about it and negotiate with everyone.

Such world crises have actually happened before and in an even more intense form. And then the economy always began to grow.

Especially since 2/3 of the world's economies (Asia, East) have not yet opened the door. Holding on to the western 1/3 is sort of possible, but not necessary at all.

*if I suddenly broke something by any rules in my judgement, just delete the post.

Yep, right now seeing a particularly boosted growth in the economy after not much boosted in 2014. The pace is picking up.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Yep, right now seeing particularly robust growth in the economy after not so robust in 2014. The pace is picking up.

Just wait a little longer - until the wave-guards draw up all the explanations of the present by the past and say that everything was clear from the beginning...:-)

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

Wait a little longer - until the wave-guides draw up all the explanations of the present by the past and say that everything was clear from the beginning...:-)

It was clear even without the volnoviks.

Alexey Viktorov #:

As a result, it will turn out that what was needed was an EA sending a push and nothing else.

When the owner of this shaitan-code is notified, he will turn on his brain and manually open a position or not.

The extravaganza continues.

quick, quick, two hackers coming up :-)

like-like, i have no doubt the same people who can write android robots...and indeed anything :-)

PS. just robots are running and posting in any order. And it works


It would be nice if the freelance administration made some kind of protection against robots.

For example, with the publication of a decompiled application)))

The direct message that you need decompilation in the text of the order is unspeakable. I have already seen sources with a linking block, and if the customer had the source, it would certainly be the easiest thirtysomething I've seen today. And you are all giggles and hahaha....

A poem came to my mind:

Kolya, you filthy marginalist!

Why did you steal the money?


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I thought I would share my observations. As I have medical professionals in my family, I roughly understand the health situation of the population.

There are a lot of complaints in polyclinics about "no strength to work", but the person seems to be healthy. Maybe postkovid, maybe something else.

I have delved into the subject and checked a few dietary supplements on myself, found a working prescription, how to get rid of the "no strength for unknown reasons":

A mini course of supplements for "no strength, seems to be postkovid"

1. L-Citrulline or L-Arginine (2x2 grams a day for 35-year-olds and 3x3 grams a day for 50-year-olds or athletes). They are basically the same thing, it's just that there is more Arginine in the body because of the former preparation. It is an amino acid that is produced less and less by the body as we age. Very important and affects all blood vessels. It restores libido, normal blood pressure, helps to eliminate ammonia from the body more effectively, and greatly improves muscle recovery.

2. acetylcysteine (NAC). Yes, the very same Acetylcysteine for coughs, but there are plenty of other cheaper brands out there. A very important amino acid that not only protects and improves the lungs, but also promotes the production of Glutathione, the body's most important antioxidant. The daily allowance is 600mg. According to other sources up to 2g, but I have not tried increasing the dosage.

3. Quercetin, but better and cheaper would be Dihydroquercetin 25mg 3 times a day. It is cheap and works very well. Somewhat similar in action to acetylcysteine, but in addition a senolytic - helps in the elimination of old and damaged cells.

Conclusion: Significant improvement on day one or two.

If you have hair loss:

1. Zinc

2. biotin

3. Collagen 10 grams per day (2 of 5g on an empty stomach an hour before meals). There are inexpensive hyaluronic acid powders available.

Bottom line: In a month your hair will stop falling out.

In general, I recommend that all dietary supplements be taken after they have been approved by your doctor. But they are all over-the-counter, easy to find on ozone and the like.

Don't exceed the dosage, don't take more than 3 weeks in a row. Remember, everything is poison and everything is medicine, the only difference is the dosage.

If you undergo expensive vitamin tests, there is a huge likelihood of a deficiency:

1. Vitamin D3.

2. Omega-3. It's important to note here that Omega 3-6-9 is less beneficial as 6-9 has no identified benefit. Omega-3 will simply be cheaper and more effective.

3. magnesium

Bottom line: Normalises heart function and stamina

In order to normalize sleep, take 3 mg Melatonin one hour before bedtime (no later than 10 p.m.).

Bottom line: increase stress tolerance and prolong life span

The entire list was formed after reading a mountain of literature, scientific articles, foreign websites and several biohacking courses.

I will not write more on this topic here) once could, for the general benefit.

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