Interesting and Humour - page 3729

Alexander Antoshkin:
Morning starts with coffee or Morning starts with a thought
Morning starts with a thought...
Vitaly Muzichenko:
unforgettable taste )

Then the goldfish cries out!
With a human voice she said...

Experts of the Stavropol Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Husbandry have developed their own operating system, Ivan OC. It is already installed on almost all computers at the research institute, writes don24. Denis Belov, head of the institute's information technology laboratory, said that the main reason for the appearance of their own operating system was the import substitution strategy. The name was chosen to create an internationally recognizable brand, while at the same time reflecting the fact that the development came from Russia.

В НИИ овцеводства и козоводства разработали «убийцу» Windows
В НИИ овцеводства и козоводства разработали «убийцу» Windows
  • 2017.05.19
  • Peter Steffen /
Специалисты ставропольского научно-исследовательского института овцеводства и козоводства разработали собственную операционную систему Ivan OC. Она уже установлена почти на всех компьютерах в НИИ, пишет don24. Заведующий лабораторией информационных технологий института Денис Белов поведал, что главной причиной появления собственной ОС стала...
What does the "radically new" Ivan OS include? You will be surprised, of course, but having spent 40 million roubles of public money, Russian scientists offered the public just another Linux distribution which, like any free software, can be downloaded completely free of charge in dozens of different variants. Just like LibreOffice which most Linux distributions contain by default anyway. One can only guess what Russian sheep and goat breeders mean by touted "several interfaces for computers of different capacities" included in the "innovative" OS. However, experts will immediately realize that these are well-known shells like Gnome, KDE, MATE, XFCE, etc., and every Linux user is familiar with them almost from the cradle. <br / translate="no">
However, there is no evidence of any copyright infringement by Linux creator Linus Torvalds or other developers of a free operating system: it was distributed under the LGPL license which allows totally unencumbered and free copying, modification and distribution of the source code provided that the work is published. Among other things, creation of so-called "forks" - reworked clones of the operating system and its distributions - is also allowed. Therefore, from a formal point of view, the Stavropol sheep breeders were able to "plunder" 40 million of the budget for the "development" of something that had already been developed a long time ago, completely legally.

everyone earns as much as they can.)

Remember you're in the forex business,

but only a few make money in real trading )

What's wrong with sheep breeders who sell to the state what they already have? )