Interesting and Humour - page 3278

Another of our contemporaries. Or rather, a contemporary.

A surrealist painter. Liza Ray.
"Lisa Vladimirovna Ray is a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, she graduated from Almaty State University, taught in the studio of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1994-97. Her paintings are in private collections both in Russia and abroad, in USA and Germany. She currently lives and works in Almaty, Kazakhstan."

Художница-сюрреалист. Лиза Рэй
Художница-сюрреалист. Лиза Рэй
Самым главным считает в современном творчестве наличие идеи в произведении, а не мастерское отображение действительности. По словам самой Лизы, она не претендует на виртуозность...

Mihai Dascalu is a contemporary Romanian naivist artist.


Here's from youtube about him:

Даскалу Михай родился 1 мая 1960 года. В 1980-84 годах учился на Факультете геодезии в Бухаресте (Facultatea de Geodezie din Bucuresti). В 2000-2004 году учился в университете “Vasile Goldis” Western University (Universitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldis”) в городе Арад (Arad) и получил степень магистра права и государственного управления. Посещал бесплатные уроки рисования.
Впервые выставил свои работы в 1984 году в рамках коллективной выставки. Первая персональная выставка состоялась в 1992 году. С 1992 года выставляется за пределами Румынии – во Франции, Молдове, Италии, Португалии, Греции, США, Канаде, Израиле.


Rejected $8.25m in protest

Deutsche Bank's former risk manager Eric Ben-Arzi, who told the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about the bank's false financial statements during the crisis, has turned down an $8.25m reward in protest, Financial Times reports.

Разоблачитель Deutsche Bank отказался от вознаграждения в $8,25 млн
Разоблачитель Deutsche Bank отказался от вознаграждения в $8,25 млн
В знак протеста против слишком мягкого наказания Deutsche Bank добровольный информатор Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам США отказался от вознаграждения

Can we talk about economics? I wonder if there will ever be economists near the government, not just divers looking for the bottom, but economists looking for a way to surface. Maybe there are recipes for the recovery of the economy, but are there constraints like rocks dragging to the bottom? Who has an opinion?


Can we talk about economics? I wonder if there will ever be economists near the government, not just divers looking for the bottom, but economists looking for a way to resurface. Who has an opinion? Maybe the recipes for the recovery of the economy are known, but there are some restraints, like stones dragging to the bottom?

They won't. Let's talk about good things, today is apple salvation, let's celebrate the Polish apples.


Can we talk about economics? I wonder if there will ever be economists near the government, not only divers looking for the bottom, but economists looking for a way to resurface. Maybe there are recipes for the recovery of the economy, but are there constraints like rocks dragging to the bottom? Who has an opinion?

See posts above. They are trained as surveyors and managers and paint such amazing pictures. As far as I know, there were one or two people in the Cabinet of Ministers with a professional background in the industry they lead. Vocational guidance is not at a high level.

Can we talk about economics? I wonder if there will ever be economists near the government, not only divers looking for the bottom, but also economists looking for a way to resurface. Maybe there are recipes for the recovery of the economy, but are there constraints like rocks dragging to the bottom? Who has an opinion?

Do you think that in order to get the economy out of the crisis you need some sacred knowledge which only a few people have?


Everyone in government knows what to do and how to do it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

They won't. Let's talk about good things, it's apple salvation today, remember the Polish apples.

E I have a Polish apple tree in my orchard. Nobody remembers the variety. The apples are sweet and keep for a long time without any chemicals.

Do you think that the way out of the crisis requires some kind of sacred knowledge that only a few people have?


Everyone in government knows what to do and how to do it.

What is standing in the way? Some people consider the lack of cheap Western loans to be one of the factors that hinder the development. But we have enough free currency of our own, we do not know where to put it. Iran recently received a $2 billion loan.