Interesting and Humour - page 4363

Alexandr Saprykin:
Our age and the age of our children and grandchildren will have enough fingernails and hair for sure. If they disappear as unnecessary rudiments, it will happen in millions of years.

I agree about children and grandchildren. But millions of years is too long. I think it will happen much sooner. Within a thousand years.

Ihor Herasko:

I agree about children and grandchildren. But millions of years is too long. I think it will happen much sooner. Within a thousand years.

But unfortunately, we can only speculate. We don't know when it will actually happen.

I have the right to Chinese music !!! (you have to have three ! by the rules)

  • Since it's New Year's Eve,
  • and the Chinese don't celebrate New Year,
  • and because it's my birthday today (59)...
  • and I understand a little chinese ... I moderate there ... them...
  • and because I'm from Kaliningrad.



I've got an hour and a half until New Year's Eve.


for those who like positivity, stoker, by balabanov !


advertisement !

friends, i need money badly ! me personally, please give me a quid each !

i'm just a good guy, i'll be president, i'll give you 2 for every dollar !

Sergey Golubev:

I have the right to Chinese music !!! (you have to have three ! by the rules)

  • Since it's New Year's Eve,
  • and the Chinese don't celebrate New Year,
  • and because it's my birthday today (59)...
  • and I understand a little chinese ... I moderate there ... them...
  • and because I'm from Kaliningrad.



I have an hour and a half until New Year's Eve.

I am 59 ! Retirement is coming soon, invite me, it will be interesting, we can kill each other, dear friend !

answer, let's talk, i am a veteran of everything ! i understand everything.


I can't keep quiet ! (C, L.N.T.)


If you take stock of the year and find that you haven't had time to read the number of books you wanted to,

didn't visit the countries they planned and didn't achieve all the goals they set out to, then fuck it,

my friends! Spit and grind! After all, the most important thing you have done is that you survived! In this difficult time.

you had a thousand chances to die, but you didn't. Isn't that the greatest success? In the coming year, I will not

I'm not wishing you to improve yourselves, learn languages, get stars out of the sky and all that fuckin' bullshit, I'm asking you

there's only one thing to ask of you: Please survive. Live when there is no life. Breathe, no matter how little oxygen is left.

I wish that your hearts keep beating, even when your strength is running out. That's what counts today!

Sergey Golubev:

I have the right to Chinese music !!! (you have to have three ! by the rules)

  • Since it's New Year's Eve,
  • and the Chinese don't celebrate New Year,
  • and because it's my birthday today (59)...
  • and I understand a little chinese ... I moderate there ... them...
  • and because I'm from Kaliningrad.



I've got an hour and a half until New Year's Eve.

Are you kind?

Алексей Тарабанов:

Are you good?

he's evil ! i'm good, my friend !

Саундтрек х/ф "Кочегар"
Саундтрек х/ф "Кочегар"
  • 2010.11.28
Исполнитель "ДиДюЛя" - "Ситцевые берега"
Denis Sartakov:

he's evil ! i'm good, my friend !

Denis, you still don't understand the point of the question.