Interesting and Humour - page 2160



Mostly not by cats. If by cats, it would have been 100,000

For history.

Walmart подала к платежной системе Visa иск на пять миллиардов долларов
Walmart подала к платежной системе Visa иск на пять миллиардов долларов
  • 2014.03.28
Крупнейшая в мире торговая сеть Walmart пытается через суд взыскать с международной платежной системы Visa пять миллиардов долларов, сообщает Agence France-Presse в четверг, 27 марта. В исковом заявлении, поданном в суд в Арканзасе, где находится штаб-квартира Walmart, говорится, что Visa на протяжении нескольких лет завышала межбанковскую...
Wargaming анонсирует проект «В ответе за клешню»
Wargaming анонсирует проект «В ответе за клешню»
Компания Wargaming совместно с общественной благотворительной организацией «РакоЩит» объявляет о начале беспрецедентной акции под названием «В ответе за клешню». Её цель — спасти от вымирания широколапых речных раков. Популяция этих членистоногих стремительно сокращается из-за действий браконьеров и загрязнения рек. Заводы и фабрики сбрасывают...

The world's best airport in 2013 was named

Changi/Singapore Airport named world's best airport in 2013

The international civil aviation research organization Skytrax, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, has ranked the world's best airports. The first place in the ranking was taken by Singapore's Changi Airport. This is reported on the official website of the company.

The ranking is compiled since 1999. The 2013 study analyzed more than 400 airports. The survey looked at 39 key aspects of airports in terms of passenger comfort and safety. Consideration was given, for example, to whether the airport is convenient to get to, whether it is disabled-friendly, whether the employees are friendly, whether there are showers, internet, what the cost of food in the cafe is, etc.

Changi Airport has been rated the best airport in the world for the second time in a row. It has also been named the most comfortable airport in the world. There are numerous shops, cafes and lounge areas, free reclining seats and free internet access. Transit passengers can book a free two hour city tour. The airport also has a cinema, games rooms (including a 3D area) and even gardens.

  • Incheon International Airport (South Korea) came in second place in the top ten.
  • Munich airport (Germany) is in third place.
  • Fourth place went to Hong Kong International Airport.
  • In fifth place in the list of best airport is Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (Netherlands).
  • Sixth place went toTokyo Haneda International Airport (Japan).
  • Seventh place wentto Beijing International Airport (China).
  • Eighth place went to Zurich airport.
  • In ninth place is the Vancouver international airport (Canada).
  • And finally, the last place in the top ten went to London Heathrow Airport (UK).

In the category Best Airports by Region: Russia and the CIS region Domodedovo Airport won, followed by Sheremetyevo, and in third place (and first in the ranking of regional airports in Russia and the CIS) is the Kazan International Airport.

Let us recall that, according to the Aviation Safety Network, which monitors air accidents, last year was the safest in this regard in recent times. ASN President Garro Ranter noted a steady decline in the number of accidents, he believes that international aviation organizations and their hard work to improve safety in the air should be thanked for this.

World Airport Awards | the Passengers Choice
Changi Airport in Singapore has been voted the World's Best Airport by air travellers for the second year in a row at the 2014 World Airport Awards, held at Passenger Terminal EXPO in Barcelona, Spain. "Winning this prestigious award for the second year in a row, Changi Airport Singapore is showing itself to be much more than an airport...


Strange. There was no payment for the rating today. Am I the only lucky one?
Strange. There was no payment for the rating today. Am I the only lucky one?
I had it charged first and then it was deducted. Must be a glitch or something new.
I have been charged first and then written off. It seems to be a glitch or something new.
My rating was also deducted by about a hundred.