Interesting and Humour - page 2484

- Ivanova, to the board!
- I'm not ready...
- You tell your boyfriend you're not ready, to the blackboard!
They say it's bad luck to have breasts smaller than your stomach...

HeeH)) never occurred to me)
Little Casanova


xxx: the kid was on fire yesterday, he was sitting with me drinking tea and looking through his phone, and then he said "mum, let's buy me an android, because everyone at school has normal androids, I am the only sucker with an iPhone ©

PanelPress – пресс для выпрямления погнутых iPhone ::
Самой обсуждаемой темой последнего времени в Apple-сообществе стала проблема с деформацией корпуса новых iPhone 6 и iPhone 6 Plus. В стороне не осталась и компания gTools, которая занимается выпуском инструментов для ремонта мобильных устройств Apple. Она представила прибор для выпрямления алюминиевого корпуса новых смартфонов. Как пишет...

Tama is a cat from Japan who attracted international media attention when she was given a job as a station warden at a small railway station in Kinokawa in 2007, for unknown reasons. Why? The reason was that in 2006, the company that owned the station had to cut its funding. The company felt that the station should be automatic, i.e. without people. This was bad news for Tama who, along with several other stray cats, relied mainly on food given to her by the person running the station. In order to keep Tama and her friends from starving to death, the company hired her, gave her a job as station warden and agreed to pay her wages in cat food. To make things even more charming, Tama was even given a tiny uniform and hat, which she wears while working.

Within a few months of hiring Tama, the influx of people at the station had increased by 17 percent, which meant more work for her. Her duties mostly involved greeting passengers and Tama was so good at attracting people to the tiny station that in 2008 she was promoted to Super Station Keeper. This promotion not only made Tama the only female being in a management position in the company (seriously), but also brought her own office and two cat assistants, Chibi and Miiko.

Are you still not impressed? Then you should know that in 2012, Tama's (and by extension the station's) popularity grew so much that she was given a human assistant, given an understudy, a tiny adorable caretaker hat, and even painted her on the side of an entire train.