Interesting and Humour - page 1683

"The audiovisual work examined by the experts shows latent signs of the presence of propaganda of sexual discrimination, due to the use of two persons of the same sex, belonging to the same social group and experiencing mutual affection, as the main negative characters and contrasting them with positive heterosexual heroes".

Based on the opinion of Dutch cultural experts, the court decided to satisfy the claim and to ban the broadcasting and distribution on physical media of The Guest from the Future throughout the Netherlands. Well, not to traumatize the delicate psyche of sexual minorities.


- Five? Wouldn't that be enough? I'd rather just tell you what modern Russia is. Modern Russia is a huge country at a crossroads in history. You cannot step into the same river twice, but you can step into the same swamp three times. Because the river flows, but the mire stays motionless, we keep trying to get out of it, to pass somehow on dry land, on the edge, but we keep getting carried back to the mire, to our habitual abode, as if we can do nothing else.

Five hundred years of slavery and servitude are behind us, five hundred years we keep repeating like the damned: "the boss knows best", "order is more important than freedom", "the king is good, but the dog has no mercy". And when all of a sudden a road opens up to us every hundred years, as all normal nations do - freedom, democracy, competition - it's as if a cramp takes hold of us: we don't want it, it's cold, draughts, we have to take responsibility, we have to make decisions, make choices, take risks, learn to depend on ourselves and not on the master of the boss... To hell with your freedom! My fathers and grandfathers walked under the bosses, and we will walk too, our feet won't shake off... A year or two - and here we are back in the usual places: mire, stagnation, the bosses hang around, eating you up, but - order! Quiet, for another ten years until the oil runs out.

Boris Strugatsky: "Historical development is not defined by any leaders".
Excerpt from an interview in the next issue of The Russian Reporter


Mikhalkov's call.

He must have had a good holiday.) Can't get over it.)

"I'm not drunk!"

I highly doubt that.))

"Not me, sick!"

I agree with the doctor.)))


Mikhalkov's call.

People are already starting to humour it.

Mast si (alternative versions of the call):


Based on the opinion of Dutch cultural experts, the court decided to satisfy the claim and to ban the broadcasting and distribution on physical media of "The Guest from the Future" throughout the Netherlands. Well, not to traumatize the delicate psyche of sexual minorities.

This fake is a year old.

No wonder it has surfaced now, at a time of deteriorating diplomatic relations with the Netherlands, the Kremlin's political technologists are awake.

By the way, such fakes are very easy to detect - they have no links to the original news in a foreign language or links to reports by official news agencies.

I'm getting deeper and deeper, too (
I can bomb for three hours when I'm in the mood too)))

This fake has been around for a year.

No wonder it has surfaced now, at a time of deteriorating diplomatic relations with the Netherlands, the Kremlin's spin doctors are not slacking.

By the way, such fakes are very easy to detect - they have no links to the original news in a foreign language or links to reports by official news agencies.

Maybe some others are doing the same for the Kremlin, like the Kremlin is so bad, playing dirty. So the Kremlin is napping or not it is unknown, but some others are definitely napping. Who do you work for?


Maybe there are others who are playing dirty in the Kremlin, like the Kremlin is so bad. So whether the Kremlin is napping or not is unknown, but some others are definitely napping.

And I knew that Integer will not miss the opportunity to talk ))


Who do you work for?


What about you?


Mikhalkov's call.

The reaction of the ambulance is very funny - "are you sick?"

In some village in the middle of a field there is a payphone, hardly working, probably staged.