Interesting and Humour - page 3393

Andrey Dik:
Dimitri, excuse me, how old are you?
Andrei, do you read fiction books - fiction?
Andrei, do you read fiction?
Yes, I used to read a lot, now less often. Mostly science fiction, less often popular science, scientific articles on astronomy and cosmology.
Andrey Dik:
Yes, I used to read a lot, now less often. Mostly science fiction, less often popular science, scientific articles on astronomy and cosmology.

I can give you a book, it's very interesting to read - it's fantastic. It's Soviet. Here's even a great excerpt from it:

"Data on the economic situation of the Country of the Fathers is kept strictly secret, but it's clear to everyone that it's a shitty situation, massaraksh-e-massaraksh, and when the economy is in a shit state, it's best to go to war to shut everyone up at once. Vepr, who ate his teeth on the question of how the economy affects politics, predicted this war five years ago. Towers are towers, you know, and poverty is poverty. To convince a hungry man that he is sated is not a good idea; it is not easy for the psyche, andto rule over a mad nation is not a great pleasure, especially when you consider that the insane cannot be influenced by radiation... Another possible reason is ideological. The state ideology in the Land of the Fathers is built on the idea of a threat from outside. At first it was just a lie invented to discipline the post-war freemen, then those who invented this lie have left the scene and their heirs believe and sincerely believe that Honti is sharpening his teeth on our wealth. And if we consider that the Honti is a former province of the old empire, which declared independence in hard times, then to all this are added colonialist ideas: to return the creeps to the fold, first severely punished..."(с).


I can recommend you a book, it's very interesting to read - it's fantastic. It's Soviet. Here's even a great excerpt from it:

"Data on the economic situation of the Land of the Fathers is kept in the strictest of secrecy, but it is clear to everyone that it is a shitty situation, massaraksh-e-massaraksh, and when the economy is in a shitty state, the best thing to do is to start a war to shut everyone up at once. Vepr, who ate his teeth on the question of how the economy affects politics, predicted this war five years ago. Towers are towers, you know, and poverty is poverty. To convince a hungry man that he is sated is not a good idea; it is not easy for the psyche, andto rule over a mad nation is not a great pleasure, especially when you consider that the insane cannot be influenced by radiation... Another possible reason is ideological. The state ideology in the Land of the Fathers is built on the idea of a threat from outside. At first it was just a lie invented to discipline the post-war freemen, then those who invented this lie have left the scene and their heirs believe and sincerely believe that Honti is sharpening his teeth on our wealth. And if you consider that the Honti is a former province of the old empire, which declared independence in hard times, then to all this is added colonialist ideas: to return the creeps to the fold, first severely punished..."(с).

I don't like Strugatsky, although I've read it before.

I will advise you too, though scientific unlikely you read "The New Mind of the King" by Penrose (you can find it under the link in archive of literature in my profile).

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is not so simple or complicated? That the speed of light is constant for a stationary observer and for a moving observer is proven? Proved. What else is needed? What else is there to make up?

San Sanych, how so, you are a scientist, aren't you? A CTN or a doctor? And you're carrying such nonsense? They attribute some kind of ether to Einstein, like he identified gravitation and the curvature of space. Open any textbook of physics for universities and read about the theory of relativity. That's what you see interesting in this article?

What is the name of this thread? Where else can it be discussed?

And I can not assess the nonsense or not. And your reference to textbooks I cannot accept, as there the point of view of Einstein is stated, and here it appears there are nuances. Einstein is not an idol, but plagiarist and his contemporaries considered him as such.

It is interesting.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

What's the name of the thread? Where else would you discuss such a thing?

And I cannot assess delirium or not. And I cannot accept your reference to textbooks, as there the point of view of Einstein is stated, and here there are nuances. Einstein is not an idol, but plagiarist and his contemporaries considered him as such.

It is interesting.

So what is the problem? Just that he is a plagiarist? First, then? Even if a plagiarist, he is nevertheless a good populariser. Besides, he didn't get his scientific title and everything else for the theory of relativity (it seems).
Andrey Dik:
Dimitri, excuse me, how old are you?
Come on... another offended one has come forward. I'll keep that in mind. What's your question? Did you sign up for Pavlik's unit? I didn't sign you up, you signed up.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Come on... one more offended person has been identified. I'll keep that in mind.

I'm not offended, what makes you think that... I'm trying to put the facts together. I don't recall a single post of yours where you were just happy for your homeland, for your country, on the contrary - any interesting, or even noteworthy events or figures about Russia plunged you into a malicious, snide state. The most innocuous explanation would be your age, denial, maximalism and all that... But I suspect things are worse. Worse for you.

Andrey Dik:

I'm not offended, what makes you think that... I'm trying to put the facts together. I don't recall a single post of yours where you were just happy for your homeland, for your country, on the contrary - any interesting, or even noteworthy events or figures about Russia plunged you into a malicious, snide state. The most innocuous explanation would be your age, denial, maximalism and all that... But I suspect things are worse. Worse for you.

You should read that Strugatsky novel after all. There, for example, it is written how those who periodically did not rejoice for the Motherland were put in an asylum and in prison.