Interesting and Humour - page 651

A conversation between two friends:
- How did the quarrel with your wife last night end?
- She came crawling to me on her knees.
- And what did she say?
- Get out from under the bed, bitch!
A man has jumped out of a parachute and is descending towards the ground. An eagle flies past:
- Hello dancers!
- I'm not a dancer, I'm a skydiver!
- Hey, man, there's some cacti down there! The powers will come instantly!
- Too easy a death for Koshchei," said Ivan the Tsarevich and inserted the needle into the sewing machine. Let him be spanked!

"Meanwhile, Curiosity transmits new photos from Mars"

I wonder when there will be full-fledged combat operations using robots?

It is hard to say, as such bots are assembled under defence orders, i.e. taxpayers have to pay tidy sums for some crap that has more of a psychological effect than a combat effect. As a result the money is embezzled, and the weapon uses some cloak, which in combat conditions is easier to be used as additional cover and to shoot back oneself. And as far as such an elaboration costs a lot of money, they receive an order to protect it without sparing their life, in order not to allow the enemy to damage the weapon inadvertently.

But a remotely controlled killer can already be assembled at home. Cable wiring bot + "Vintorez" rifle. Can get in anywhere, shoot from any position. Leaves a trail, doesn't pick up casings, but won't tell us anything about the customer. No amount of security will save him from that. It's very cheap (especially if you compare it to the cost of the order) and angry.

Dontsova must get the idea for her show on the first one. Or should Renat, so that the developers created an appropriate service and published an article "How to eliminate without problems a kitchen broker, who steals pips". But with Renat it will be the same as always, i.e. the service will be launched, but the button "Disable autokillers" will be installed on the broker servers and all traders will have to ask the broker's support team to connect the killers again.


It is hard to say, as such bots are assembled under defence orders, i.e. taxpayers have to pay a tidy sum for some crap that has more of a psychological effect than a combat effect. As a result the money is embezzled, and the weapon uses some cloak, which in combat conditions is easier to be used as additional cover and to shoot back oneself. And as far as such an elaboration costs a lot of money, they receive an order to protect it without sparing their life, in order not to allow the enemy to damage the weapon inadvertently.

But a remotely controlled killer can already be assembled at home. Cable wiring bot + rifle "Vintorez". Can get in anywhere, shoot from any position. Leaves a trail, doesn't pick up casings, but won't tell us anything about the customer. No amount of security will save him from that. It's very cheap (especially if you compare it to the cost of the order) and angry.

Dontsova must get the idea for her show on the first one. Or should Renat, so that the developers created an appropriate service and published an article "How to eliminate without problems a kitchen broker, who steals pips". We cannot expect the correct answers to these questions, we cannot expect them to correct the problem and we will have to contact broker's support department and ask them to activate killers again.

Interesting topic. What about accuracy of aiming? Snipers - they take a long time to learn how to shoot accurately.
It's an interesting topic. What about accuracy of aim? Snipers - they take a long time to learn how to shoot accurately.
So put normal optics and write code in MQL5 to calculate artillery corrections for wind and other climatic conditions. Bot, in contrast to the sniper, can lay down anywhere and wait as long as necessary, it will not scratch or fart. And his hand won't shake when he fires.
Put some normal optics and write code in MQL5 to calculate artillery corrections for wind and other climatic conditions. Bot, unlike a sniper, can lay down anywhere and wait as long as necessary, it will not scratch or fart. And his hand won't shake when he shoots.
That's all good, yeah. I'd also make a Gauss-type rifle, but a subsonic one, so it would shoot silently.