Interesting and Humour - page 1524

I take it this is part of Mishek's workaday series?
I take it this is from a series of "Mishek's workaday" ?
and other bears )

Beasts are not bears, beasts are people


I was on the train and a young man and his girlfriend were having a conversation. The gist of the conversation was that the man had taken a job as a debt collector a few days before and he was excited about what was going on. He said a lot of ridiculous things, talked loudly, there were plenty of unwitting listeners. And he said such a thing, one of his last "successful" calls, that he called a woman who owed the bank and asked for her money back. The woman was a single mother with a baby. So he scared her by threatening to take the child away if she didn't pay back the money. She cried and begged him to wait, but he was unapproachable and he played the child like a trump card up his sleeve, like a professional gurney. Boasted that she'd paid off her debt afterwards and he'd got a bonus. Some pittance of thousands in exchange for his mother's most precious possession. I couldn't stand that shit, I put him on the spot, asked the young man to stand up, addressed the people in the car and pointed at him and said, "Look, this man is able to take a child from his mother for a few pennies, I even added that he had to be a total faggot to live like that. He blushed and ran out of the carriage.

So tell me, sick people, where the fuck is this shit in us, are we human only because we can take a child, bully our fellow tribesmen, enjoy handouts, etc.? A predator kills, eats, satisfies his hunger - it's his nature, we eat babies for the joy of others and ourselves. I'm all out, I'm trippin'.

(c) IceCrime

and other bears)
Where are the "after hibernation" pictures?
Where are the "after hibernation" pictures?
They will be after hibernation.)

Beasts are not bears, beasts are people.

(c) IceCrime

I agree. There are far more beasts among humans than people among animals. A pet will never betray its owner. The owner can throw the animal away, take it to the dump, abandon it... and the animal, being loyal and attached to it, will come back, not realizing that the owner doesn't need it. And goats like the one in the story - by the balls and into the woods...
One day, apparently in his sleep,
a mouse got into a beer keg
and started drowning in the beer.
"Drowning! Somebody save me!
I'm drowning in Zhigulyov beer!
Oh, how simple my death is!
I'd be a hundred times happier
to die in the clutches of a cat..."
"Well!" said the cat from the window.
"I can get you out,
but you'll turn into food!"
"Save me, I'm going down,
"I'd rather die in the wild."
And the mouse from death in alcohol
was happily rescued.
But when he found himself in terrible clutches,
trembling to the tip of his tail,
spreading the smell of beer,
the mouse eluded the cat.
"Where is your word! Your honour!?
You promised to let me eat you."
"Oh, you what?" the mouse squeaked.
"I promised it drunk!"
Morality knocks right on the door:
Don't trust a drunken woman...

Titty said to titty,
"Do you want to, my friend?
"Won't you, my friend,
"Would you like a man's gentle hands?"

Titty said to Titty:
"I have long dreamed of it,
"and I hoped, God willing,
"I hoped that our blouse would burst.

It's about time we had a blast!
I've often dreamt about it:
We're both in the spotlight,
We're the most beautiful thing in the world,

♪ We're like two big melons ♪
Men's lips are on us,
# They kiss us here and there
They rub us gently with their hands
"They rub and caress us with their hands,
"They don't let go of us!"

Her sister replies:
"That won't happen,
For all the rights
"She's got her head in the game.

She doesn't care about boobs,
"She doesn't need a man's hands
"She doesn't need a man's hand
"They give her a migraine.

"Her tits started to rebel
♪ and her nipples swell up ♪
They're getting so heavy, they're so juicy,
"and they're all swollen up in the see-through bodice.

And then the head intervened:
"Do you want sex? "Fucking hell!
"Get lost, you fool,
I'm busy with my poetry!"

I'm probably a bit of a daredevil,
But I'll say this about poets:
"Their worldly interests
"They're not interested in sex.

They write rhymes about dreams,
♪ They write their diaries ♪
♪ Their ordinary desires ♪
♪ Their usual desires are replaced by verse and chat ♪

# With a Russian straightforwardness
I'll summarize the moral:
"Chicks don't think in terms of tits,
And I confess, it's a pity!"