Interesting and Humour - page 3063

Alexandr Saprykin:
But now, after a lively discussion about the poem Borodino, mql will go up in google search on this topic and when the fifth-graders will have something about Moscow burning and they will google it - it's possible that they will start using forex instead of writing about Borodino)))

they will be shocked - they won't understand who wrote it :-)))))))))) yes?

a lot of people read only from the net.


and will start learning MQL.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

:-) naturally

And note - what else came out the same way as a result of !!! conversation

and someone who took a fragment out of context without noticing where it came from - will think so!


and look at my posts above - feel how easy it is to correct and rewrite

it's just an example of how easy it is to twist anything to smear anyone

That's why I took that phrase out of context to show it))

Yuriy Zaytsev:

They'll be shocked - they won't understand who wrote it :-)))))))))) Yes?

a lot of people read only from the net.


and they'll start learning MQLs.

Better let them learn mql than all the crap from modern textbooks.


Listen from the 48th minute onwards.

He is talking nonsense...

the infantry ran faster than the French horses... :-)? That alone is bullshit.

At the end the Russians - in his opinion, they never entered Paris... Yeah.

You listen to such historians.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

He's talking nonsense...

infantry running faster than French horses ... :-) ? that alone is nonsense.

At the end the Russians - in his opinion - didn't enter Paris... yeah...

You listen to such historians.

Where exactly did he say the Russians didn't enter Paris - what minute?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Get lost!!!

I'm going to punch someone in here!

Where did he say the Russian army didn't enter Paris? He said the whole anti-Napoleonic coalition entered Paris.

He lied again?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I don't know about trading, but he's a great one at digging up dirt on Russia.

I have an old acquaintance, a "victim of alternative history"... It all began with seemingly harmless episode, when in his student years he found a samizdat copy of 'The Icebreaker' by Suvorov (I think I have not mistaken either the title or the author of this 'historical' research). From that moment on he started to "go off the rails". And then he finally lost it. Now this "ahedjack" is ready to continuously ask for forgiveness for all "innocently killed" German "missionaries-liberators" by his father in WWII and for "tens of millions of German Germans raped by the Soviet military" ... I don't think a lobotomy will do him any good...



Lying again?

Of course he did!

I lied about the infantry running faster than the French horses! :-)))


Vladimir Suschenko:
Есть у меня один давнишний знакомый, "жертва альтернативной истории"... Начиналось всё с казалось бы безобидного эпизода, в студенчестве где-то надыбал "самиздатовский" экземпляр "Ледокол" Суворова (кажется не перепутал ни название ни автора этого с позволения сказать, "историтческого" исследования). С того момента и начала у него "крыша подтекать". А потом окончательно съехала... Теперь этот "ахеджакнутый" готов непрерывно просить прощения за всех "невинно убиенных" его отцом в ВОВ немецких "миссионеров-освободителей" и за "десятки миллионов изнасилованных советскими военными немок"... Думаю, что ему уже и лоботомия не поможет...


There are independent studies of the problem of crimes by servicemen during the German occupation. The findings suggest that the situation was significantly different from the perception in the West.

Western authors arbitrarily cite the number of those raped as "millions of Germans". In reality, these figures from a book by two German feminists were derived by arbitrarily extrapolating from data collected in a Berlin hospital to the whole city and the whole country. It has been proven that using other raw data and arbitrary author estimates, absolutely any number of rapes can be obtained, including - exceeding the number of the East German population.

In reality, statistically unavoidable cases of crimes among Red Army soldiers were not of a mass character and were condemned by official propaganda and military justice. Precise data on their absolute number is not yet available to researchers, but the currently known documents indicate that the number of such incidents was limited. The myth was actively promoted by German military propaganda in the final phase of the war to mobilise the population against the anti-Hitler coalition. After the war, patterns of propaganda by Goebbels' department were actively used by the United States against the USSR, which is reflected in a number of "historical studies" that are subjected to justifiable criticism by contemporary authors.

There is no doubt that individual acts of rape were committed by soldiers of the armies participating in the anti-Hitler coalition both in Europe and in the Pacific theatre of war, but unlike similar actions by the armies of the Axis countries they were not massive and systematic.


Who exactly did you accuse in this thread of carrying out "non-traditional sexual activities"?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Why do the "hated" ones have the world's largest company Apple in some small Cupertino - and not in the capital - in our country it would be impossible.

sometimes there is a practice of creating a small town for a particular company

that is, the place itself is a godforsaken village

but it is at the expense of the company and many employees there appear houses, shops, finances, kindergartens and even a cemetery.