Interesting and Humour - page 352


What do you think the grid is for?


What do you think the grid is for?

Is there a Rabbit in there?
Is there a rabbit in there?

No, I don't think I've seen any rabbits there :)

I don't know the right answer either, I was just wondering why the netting? :)


What do you think the netting is for?

To keep some people from throwing rubbish

and others don't set it on fire.


Some people don't throw rubbish

and others don't set it on fire

that's what it looked like to me... And the centre of Chernigov

No, I don't think I've seen any rabbits there :)

I don't know the right answer either, I was just wondering why the netting? :)

For some reason I thought of Winnie the Pooh :)

What do you think the netting is for?

There's nothing to think about - it's definitely closed off for vandals, so they don't throw rubbish or set fire to it.

It's a good thing the netting's still intact. I guess the netting is in trouble, too.