Interesting and Humour - page 3446

ФБР получило право взламывать все компьютеры мира. Правда ли это?
ФБР получило право взламывать все компьютеры мира. Правда ли это?
  • 2016.12.03
  • Ирина Ли
намного упрощает делопроизводство для ФБР. Если раньше службе требовался ордер от местного суда, к округу которого прикреплён подозреваемый, то теперь достаточно обратиться в любую инстанцию по стране, которая выдаст выдавать ордеры на удалённый доступ, поиск, изъятие и копирование данных, когда местоположение этих данных "скрыто посредством...
Server Muradasilov:
her manicure isn't kolkhozny at all )
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
her manicure isn't kolhozny at all.)
yeah, there's something wrong with this picture... there are Aliens in the background (behind the cows, on the very horizon)!
Server Muradasilov:
................ Opening the door to the wine cellar was becoming a big problem. The keyhole was then surrounded by guiding strips, and to open the door, it was enough to hit a large metal plate with the key and slide it down the guide.

Wine cellar door in the castle of Cochem in the Moselle valley

Oh, man, that's a hell of a guess. I remember, in the now distant eighties, USSR locksmiths from some plant for repair of military submarines in their spare time from military orders riveted such metal parts for doors of factory residences, so that after locking them after twenty-three hours the delayed and overindulgent factory workers did not take off the hinges. And that is where the prehistory of this design comes from!


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Погоны с солнечной батареей, линза от циклонов и другие чудеса Роспатента
Погоны с солнечной батареей, линза от циклонов и другие чудеса Роспатента
  • 2016.12.03
  • Александр Кондратьев
Обидно, когда полк солдат стоит на плацу без дела. Даже если по стойке смирно — всё равно ведь ничего не делают. Так пусть добывают электроэнергию. Так, видимо, рассуждал изобретатель из Санкт-Петербурга Александр Семёнов, обладатель патента № 2568792. Он предложил погоны со встроенной солнечной батареей. Таким образом, рассчитывает Семёнов...
Специальная теория относительности помогла «выжить» аниону платины
Специальная теория относительности помогла «выжить» аниону платины
  • 2016.12.02
Химики из лаборатории Эймса и Университета Айовы впервые синтезировали двойную соль, содержащую двухзарядную платину в качестве отрицательного иона — Cs9Pt4H. Ранее были известны лишь два соединения с похожими свойствами. За устойчивость такого необычного состояния платины отвечают эффекты, предсказанные специальной теорией относительности. Они...

Door handles ...


- Why are you late for work?

- And why are you late with your wages?

- Well, you get it after all.

- So I did get to work, after all.


-Honey, I got pulled over by a traffic cop for crossing the stop line. What do I do?

- Give him the phone!

- Listen, bro, write her a six-month suspension, I'll thank you later. Give her the phone!

- Honey, I made a deal with him, sign the report!


Came home from a run with a busted nose... Told my husband I was just bleeding... I couldn't tell him I was looking at my shaky tits and I hit a tree...


3:00 in the morning. Phone's ringing:

- Hello, is this the Animal Welfare Society?

- Who the fuck hurt you so early in the morning?


The neighbours are freaking out! It's 3:00 in the morning, banging on the radiators! Good thing I'm awake playing my harmonica!


Today at the bus stop: there was a priest and next to him a mother with a little girl. The little girl looked at the priest for a long time and asked: "Mama, why is Father Christmas all in black? ? Is the snow maiden dead? ? " The whole bus stop fell over laughing, and the priest went to the stall and bought the girl a chocolate bar! To cleverness.


In the north of Sweden, local drivers have a long tradition of flashing their lights to warn of a deer on the road! We have such a tradition in Russia too...


It's annoying when they say you can pay with any card but they don't accept the seven of diamonds.


The aliens who kidnapped the drunken Russian couldn't take it anymore... let him drive a flying saucer after all.


If you need to ask your husband for an upgrade... ...stand on a stool and recite a poem with an expression: "I'll go out in the field naked! Let the bear eat me! "I have nothing to wear anyway, poor thing!"


Jehovah's Witnesses came to see me today - told me to help my neighbour and do good! Asked them to clean the toilet and take out the rubbish... For some reason they got offended and left...