Interesting and Humour - page 4181

Golodets: more than seven thousand people over 100 live in Russia

Голодец: в России проживает более семи тысяч человек старше 100 лет
Голодец: в России проживает более семи тысяч человек старше 100 лет
Иллюстрация: werner22brigitte / pixabay МОСКВА, 12 марта. /ТАСС/. Более семи тысяч человек старше 100 лет проживают на сегодняшний день в России. Это "большая цифра", в ближайшие годы она будет расти, заявила в понедельник на международном форуме "Активное долголетие Москвы 2018" вице-премьер правительства РФ Ольга Голодец. "Очень важно сделать...
СанСаныч Фоменко:
Golodets: more than seven thousand people over 100 live in Russia

from the comments on the article:

Longevity in Russia - revenge to the state, for a small pension!!!


from the comments on the article:

Longevity in Russia is revenge to the state for a small pension!!!

You just don't quit!

When a person is born, God puts the number of years of life on his forehead - that's how long he lives. It is very difficult to change that.

In 77 I was hospitalized by an elderly neighbour of mine, 87 years old. When he was discharged, the doctor began to teach him: this is not allowed, neither is this. My grandfather listened to her blankly. And then she said: well, of course, you must not drink.

The old man flinched: how am I supposed to live?

The doctor was surprised: how much do you drink?

Grandfather: a glass in the morning and a bottle in the evening.

doctor: and for how long?

Grandpa: since Felix Edmundovich's time, in 21 or 22, since then, it's always the same.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

...a glass in the morning and a bottle in the evening.

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Golodets: more than seven thousand people over 100 live in Russia

In Japan (population less than 126 million) the number of long-livers over 100 years old is about 62 thousand.
In Israel (population less than 8.5 million) the number of long-livers over 100 years old is more than 3 thousand.
In a small Italian town Acciaroli (population less than 2 thousand) there are 300 people who have already celebrated their 100th anniversary, and some of them - the 110th anniversary.


A rehabilitation centre for men affected by the 8th of March celebration will be open today from 12 noon. The centre is located at: Novocherkassk, garage cooperative "Cerberus", block 32. We provide comfortable conditions of temporary stay in the centre and a full package of services: consultation of a psychologist with 40 years of experience Ivanovich, comfortable trays, barbecue, a week's supply of meat, beer, smoked fish and sausages, educational board games and constructor Niva 21213

Andrey Dik:

post something about Trump, huh?

In the wake of Trump's latest remarks (about who has the bigger nuclear button) he's been getting email spam like this:
"Increase your nuclear button by 5cm in just one week! Easy and reliable recipe at the link!"

Who needs him, except old porn stars.

He's having another sex scandal at his age.

Besides, his nuclear button has shrunk a lot since the GDP address to the federal assembly.


Why haven't they posted Leningrad yet?

(I deleted the link just in case, just in case...)

google: elections, elections, candidates - ...

It's too traumatic a song, it's not worth it.

Besides, it's very outdated and doesn't reflect reality any more.

Look at this list of seniors trying for 28 years.... to make any kind of movement.

How can a centenarian in a hospital ward get an erection?

And, it looks like everything has been amputated there, just talk, memories and unrealistic dreams.

It's time to talk about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

You are still going on and on!

When a person is born, God puts the number of years of life on his forehead - that's how long he lives. It's very hard to change that.

In 77 I was admitted to the hospital, an elderly neighbour, 87 years old. When he was discharged, the doctor began to teach him: this is not allowed, neither is this. My grandfather listened to her blankly. And then she said: well, of course, you must not drink.

The old man flinched: how am I supposed to live?

The doctor said in astonishment: so, do you drink? And how much?

Grandfather: a glass in the morning and a bottle in the evening.

doctor: and for how long?

Grandpa: since the time of Felix Edmundovich, in 21 or 22 years, since then, it has always been the same.

Sometimes people are in such good health that they can't spoil it for a long time, despite all their efforts...

The story about the old man reminds me of the anecdote about the man who smoked for 90 years and then stopped and got sick :)))

Yuriy Zaytsev:

It's too traumatic a song, it's not worth it.

Besides, it's very outdated and doesn't reflect reality any more.

Look at this list of elders trying for 28 years.... to make some kind of movement.

How can you induce an erection in a hospital room of centenarians?

Yes and, everything seems to have been amputated there, just talk, memories and unrealistic dreams.

It's time to talk about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Such a situation as this has already happened in history and we know how it ended...