Interesting and Humour - page 4270


A classic figure:

Whatever you want to call it ;0))


Leonid Illich is relaxing on the black sea,

goes to the sea in his bathing suit, and suddenly a dog runs up behind him

and licks him right between the buttocks.

Brezhnev said: "Comrades, this is too much.


It is clear that it is non-alcoholic, and it is clear that the advertising is geared towards selling alcohol. The main thing is to advertise the class and brand of the product. And the teenager's brain will find something alcoholic to take when choosing in a shop, and there is 1% non-alcoholic, while the rest of the 99 can be drunk.

Presumably the major brands have pooled their money and pushed through the law, giving a bit of money to whoever needs it.

It's all in preparation for the football championship, the beer sponsors are pushing it.

At this rate, we will soon see advertisements for Vodka - non-alcoholic, soaked in birch buds and aged in milk.


It's all preparation for the football championship, the beer sponsors are pushing.

At this rate, we will soon see advertisements for Vodka - non-alcoholic, soaked in birch buds and aged in milk.

vodka oil

Or this one for the oil tycoons and oil traders.

personal information
Alexandr Saprykin:

It's neither interesting nor funny anymore. It's as old as a mammoth. It used to be a manual on how to protect yourself from STDs. And now...

What progress has been made.

Instead of letters, texting.

and so on.

Alexey Viktorov:

It's neither interesting nor funny anymore. It's as old as a mammoth. It used to be a manual on how to protect yourself from STDs. And now...

What progress has been made.

Instead of letters, it's texting.

And so on.

There's no pleasing everyone.

Like it used to be: You can't please everyone.