Interesting and Humour - page 379

If only. They will ask for permission to install updates and advertise a special agent against particularly harmful dust.

The joke is on us, but the fusion of technology and man is inevitable.

Technique will be perfected by leaps and bounds for a while, but then it will become obvious that it is more effective to upgrade the already perfect human being.

We can improve it with software and hardware. Vision, memory, strength, "processor" The software (possessing skills without conventional training), etc.

You meet someone, get to know him, talk to him, find him or her interesting and then boom, he is a cyborg.

As a matter of fact, if we take the divine out of the equation, where is the line between a well-made robot and a human?


In fact, if you take the divine out of the equation, where is the line between a well-made robot and a human?

Nature doesn't give a damn. The task is to perform some functions and the more efficient, the better. We can see that "wedges" occur quite often, when millions are cut out of life. What all this is for, we do not know forever and ever. Even if nature, using us as its tools, makes us immortal by finding a way to embed consciousness in something mechanical and durable (in essence immortality), even in that case we will never know the true meaning of existence. Nature itself doesn't know, but obviously very much wants to know. (Bummer in short. )))
we will never know the true meaning of existence
is clearly a far-fetched task
is clearly a far-fetched task.
What do you mean? I assume I've misunderstood it.
What do you mean? I assume I haven't got it quite right.

to seek "the true meaning of existence" "the great purpose of mankind's role" "the purpose of nature", etc. is clearly a far-fetched task.


to seek "the true meaning of existence" "the great purpose of mankind's role" "the purpose of nature", etc. is clearly a far-fetched task.

Everything around us and everything inside us is far-fetched. :) It's all so complicated...
It's all very simple. The main purpose is reproduction. The second goal is feeding. Man will eventually become something akin to an "alien" with telescopic jaws and laying eggs on all living things containing hydrocarbon-based protein. Gone will be the money, gone will be all the values of today. All that will be left will be homo sapiens eating each other and laying eggs in the corpses of those compatriots who were not too quick or too strong. There will be no other species left on the planet, only egg-eating homo sapiens and a bare, desolate planet.
It's very simple. The main goal is reproduction. The second goal is nutrition. Man will eventually evolve into something like an alien with telescopic jaws and laying eggs on everything living containing hydrocarbon-based protein. Gone will be the money, gone will be all the values of today. Only homo sapiens will be left, eating each other and laying eggs in the corpses of those compatriots who were not too quick or too strong. There will be no other species left on the planet, only egg-eating homo sapiens and a bare, desolate planet.

And you, a seller of cats in canvas bags, I would ask you not to make generalizations.

You just want to eat and fuck. And we're thinking of the high road.


And you, canvas bag cat salesman, I would ask you not to make generalizations.

You just want to eat and fuck. And we're thinking of the high road here.

Don't tell me you're fucked up. That only happens in beautiful songs by bards with ears. :)

You're insulting about the cats. I'll sell it to you for $100 for 24 hours. So you can see for yourself and stop slandering. Although slander is always inherently unfounded.