Interesting and Humour - page 2277


How to spend a million:

How to earn it - not specified.

Shit, I thought...
Fun elections!
Избирателям в США предложили менять голоса на марихуану
Избирателям в США предложили менять голоса на марихуану
В городе Сан-Хосе (штат Калифорния) накануне выборов мэра и десяти членов городского совета была запущена необычная...

A gigantic emission of solar matter was filmed:


Although I'm a cat lover, IMHO - this is another fake.

Of dog owners, the only ones who are mentally retarded are those whose dogs cause problems for others, but nevertheless not because they are, but because their owner is a retard.

And at the same time it is possible to deal with some dog owners who do not bark or bite and do not throw themselves at passers-by.

Next door, man's got an Alabai bitch. He takes her for a walk without a muzzle or a collar. And I ain't never seen a dog react to nobody but its master's commands. Even the cats walk around the yard like nothing's wrong.

The neighbour next to me has a big dog in her flat. She also takes it out without a muzzle and without a collar. Every time I take the dog for a walk, it starts with running up and down the staircase and dumping everything it has been locked up in. When he comes out, he immediately starts barking at someone. The dog's owner comes out next and tries to bark at her dog with curses. Eventually, someone grabs a stone or a stick and swings at the dog. The dog flees the 'field of battle', leaving its mistress to whistle by herself. But no one has yet succeeded in outbarking their neighbour.


North Korea.


/Andrey, take the mat out of the screen - Mathemat/.
