Interesting and Humour - page 147


The wind blows to the right (flag) on the left of the boat and to the left (smoke) on the right of the boat. Hee)

The geese are flying low, it means they are just up, so they can fly in any direction, then turn around.

Why measure the fairway with a pole where the buoys are?


Why would a pole mark the fairway where the buoys are?

The cap dropped his mobile phone.)


This one is more complicated :)


This one is more complicated :)

each one has 4 characteristics , there can be no answer , or is there an introductory one ?

although if the second one on the left has an outline, but it's black, then... what then? nothing? ))

the man's a bit redundant.


This one is more complicated :)

The first figure is superfluous.

There's an answer ) A superfluous figure of a man . That's Farnsworth (Sergei) from the fourth forum. He has never been here. There's a lot of squares and circles around here.

The first piece is superfluous.
How much are you betting, colleague?
The first figure is superfluous.

I agree 100%.

He is the only one without a flaw (meets all the conditions)