Interesting and Humour - page 1319

A man comes to the doctor for an appointment. The doctor discovers that he has diabetes. He gives him a prescription: -No sweets, no flour, no potatoes or noodles, etc. Can he have sex? Only with his wife. -What about your mistress? -No, that's a sweet thing. )))))

Мужик очень долго стоит на могиле одного из Ротшильдов и, наконец, произносит:
— Нет, ну живут же люди!

Mischek: The fact that someone hasn't quit smoking doesn't mean that others have to test their bodies.

I don't have to, I'm just a little bit like that. I want to try something unknown, so I try as much as I can. Maybe for you such wild spice is too much, but I like it.

Although yesterday was too much, even for me: I jumped too quickly over what I wanted to approach gradually, not on the second day.

tol64: I definitely won't try chili pepper again. Once was enough. It was on a dare, by the way, to see who could pass the test. My friend and I had to eat a spicy chili pepper pod after chewing it. He did not eat half of it, while I, being a stubborn survivor, chewed it all, just as I had promised. It was an unforgettable experience. )))

You have an innate ability to test.

The rules of pepper testing for professional idiots is this:

- peppers are eaten whole,

- chewing time is at least 30 seconds,

- then you swallow the whole thing and endure for at least 5 minutes without eating or drinking anything.

For sauces, it's about the same, but perhaps the mouthfeel is a little less, as it's usually more or less homogeneous. And the dose there is usually a teaspoon.

By the way, according to the formal testing rules I failed the test yesterday: I started eating sour cream and drinking milk after about 3-4 minutes, and I ate about half a spoonful. But that wasn't my first goal yesterday :)

The video is from 2011. What's all the fuss about?
The video is from 2011. What's all the fuss about?
He just needs to sell his ill-gotten gains.
The video is from 2011. What's all the fuss about?
I know....
It's a joke.)
MP Pupkin publishes short versions of his bills online, and regularly receives 10 c.u. for the best joke of the week .