Interesting and Humour - page 230


Incidentally, we too may one day find ourselves in a stellar rectangle. After all, as we know, the nearest galaxy to us, the Andromeda Nebula, located at 2.52 million light years (772 kiloparsecs), is approaching our galaxy, the Milky Way, at a speed of 100-140 kilometres per second. They will collide in 3-4 billion years. Dr Graham assures that the merger will result in the formation of one huge rectangular galaxy, the Milky Way.

That's what I'm saying, get out of here.


Incidentally, we too may one day find ourselves in a stellar rectangle. After all, as we know, the nearest galaxy to us, the Andromeda Nebula, located at 2.52 million light years (772 kiloparsecs), is approaching our galaxy, the Milky Way, at a speed of 100-140 kilometres per second. They will collide in 3-4 billion years. Dr Graham assures that the merger will result in the formation of one huge rectangular galaxy - the Milky Way.

That's what I'm saying, get out of here.

Dawg. The collision will happen even before the Sun turns into a red giant with the Earth absorbed into itself.

The mass of the Sun is not sufficient for its evolution to culminate in a supernova explosion. Instead, current thinking is that in 4-5 billion years it will evolve into a red giant star

Get out of here.

Silent 2012.03.21 12:48 #
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But our galaxy has a jet. ... cture.html



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What's the point of getting out of here if it's coming to us?

When it arrives, we'll move in. Moving's a hassle.

About the jet. There's a black hole, so there's a jet. Big deal.


What's the point of getting out of here if it's coming to us?

When it arrives, we'll move in. Moving's a hassle.

About the jet. There's a black hole, so there's a jet. Big deal.


Not bad either :)

But that's about it Polar jet streamActive galactic nuclei


Oh, that's new.


Oh, that's new.

I want it! I want it now! No smiley faces.

// And let them write the meta-quotes already for these dolls. Multicurrency should be multiterminal !