Interesting and Humour - page 2469


We'll just assume that there is no such thing as taste or colour.

P./S.: And that much is learned by comparison...

I don't get it. Is there a sausage stuck in your lip? Or a tambourine?

ZS. I wonder when our "bohemians" in Moscow will have the same fashion... They're already pumping dumplings into their lips.


I don't get it... Is there a sausage stuck in the sponge? Or a tambourine?

ZS. I wonder when our 'bohemians' in Moscow will have the same fashion... They're already pumping dumplings into their lips.

If I'm not mistaken, it's a disc, like a plate.

No, we don't need that kind of beauty. There are plenty of dumplings to go around.

Nah, no need for such beauty. There are plenty of dumplings to go around.
Sometimes our "celestials" would like to be advised to put silicone in their noses and ears. Boobs and lips are not interesting any more. Well, maybe a pillow should be inserted into the buttocks. It would be softer. It's so cute...

If I'm not mistaken, it's a disc, like a plate.

Too bad it's not a sausage. All the intrigue is lost... :)

This is for you for being with us, but I don't know which one you prefer.)


Good night :)))


Thank you, Server! Both for the words and for the flowers.

P./S.: And good night, Artem! The cat is amazing!
