Interesting and Humour - page 4142


The most serious security hole ever observed?
Accessibility of Meltdown vulnerability mechanism:

CPU сдаст вас с потрохами: самая серьезная дыра в безопасности за всю историю наблюдений?
CPU сдаст вас с потрохами: самая серьезная дыра в безопасности за всю историю наблюдений?
  • 2004.01.18
Исследователи Google опубликовали исследование «Reading privileged memory with a side-channel», в котором они описывают найденную ими аппаратную уязвимость, которая затрагивает практически все современные и устаревшие процессоры вне зависимости от операционной системы. Строго говоря, уязвимостей целых две. Одной подвержены многие процессоры...
Sergey Dzyublik:

The biggest security hole ever observed?
Available on Meltdown vulnerability working mechanism:

However, losing 10-30% of capacity on a system that is not being used financially in any way... that's a hell of an upgrade.


Great $70 a barrel, and how we want $150-300 a barrel, and once again the stability of 2000-2010, and what great years we had ... I wish I could live like that again...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Great $70 a barrel, and how we want $ 150-300 a barrel, and once again the stability of 2000-2010, and what great years we had... I wish I could live like that again...

You're still hungry...

Vitalie Postolache:

For those who keep typing dates from 2017 on automatic, a simple and effective way to finally move into the new year )))

Good so, with a warm lamplight sound )))

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Great $70 a barrel, and how we want $ 150-300 a barrel, and again the stability of 2000-2010, and what were the great years ... I wish I could live like that again...

Yeah, only zero investment in the development of the country and it is not clear where all the dough is.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yeah, only zero investment in the development of the country and it is not clear where all that money is

Not zero, of course, but I would like more.


The competition at Baumanka is frantic, there is a hunt for students from the 3rd year onwards.


My wife in 2002, made out a pension = 1700 rubles. Today, 15 000 (with surcharge in Moscow). Where does the money come from, Zin?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Not zero, of course, but I'd like more.


The competition at Baumanka is frantic, there is a hunt for students from the 3rd year onwards.


My wife in 2002, made out a pension = 1700 rubles. Today, 15 000 (with surcharge in Moscow). Where does the money come from, Zin?

Yes, about zero - this, of course, was emotional. But all the same, the fat years, by and large, have been wasted in terms of development. The only thing is that, judging by Petersburg, they have made normal roads.

As for pensions, we will need to find the consumer price index for 2002-2018.

Who hunts for students?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yes, about zero - that was emotional, of course. But all the same, the fat years, by and large, were wasted in terms of development. The only thing is that, judging from Petersburg, the roads have been made normal.

As regards pensions, we will need to find the consumer price index for 2002-2018.

And who hunts students?

But still, the lean years, by and large, were a waste in terms of development.

There are weekly clips with specifics like "Time Ahead" and so statistics, but that's a dark matter.

About pensions - we need to findthe consumer price index 2002-2018

We need to compare the growth in the price of the consumer basket for pensioners, with the growth of pensions. I know from experience that there is a positive difference and it is growing.

And who is hunting for students anyway?

Baumanka is the military-industrial complex. There's a boom in the military-industrial complex.