Interesting and Humour - page 2697

Nikolay Kositsin:
Holy naivety! A stock market crash is not a country's downfall. When China throws a mountain of US notes on the market, and it will, their price will drop below the plinth. The price of gold has been artificially undervalued at this point by the Jewish scammers in control of the process and by the time the American rubbish is dumped, the only commodity that will have a real price and not a fictitious one will be gold.

Shit, and he's like a "trader" .....

1. a national stock market collapse ALWAYS means a depreciation of the national currency for all countries except the US. This is the law.

2. China has no reason to put all of its bonds on the market at once because the move would have a catastrophic effect on China itself in the first place. It would immediately lose all its reserves, cause a global crisis and a national crisis in the US - who would China sell its goods to as an export-oriented country?

3. The price of gold has no "real value" - the jewellery and electronics industry uses a small fraction of it. The value of gold is a fiction, a historical tradition.

Once again, the question is why would a country with an economic crisis exchange Fed bonds for gold?

Nikolay Kositsin:
How old are you?
NASA: space missions to all planets in the solar system.

A grandfather, a father and a grandson are on the bus on a fishing trip. A girl in fishnet tights gets on the bus.
The grandson's thinking, "Oh, that chick is awesome..."
Father thinks, "She probably got all the clothes money from her father..."
Grandpa: "Shit, they forgot the nets..."

There is no way DC can add up the euro price ))

Toyota Mirai is the first mass-produced hydrogen car.

Toyota Mirai - первый серийный водородный автомобиль из Японии
Toyota Mirai - первый серийный водородный автомобиль из Японии
Ноябрь текущего года стал во многом знаковым. Ряд автопроизводителей представили свои новинки, которые обещают стать невероятно востребованными и популярными в ближайшем будущем. Тем не менее, на фоне остальных авто, хочется особенно отметить творение компании Тойота, которое носит название Toyota Mirai. Казалось бы, с виду достаточно...
- Uncle Izya, thank you so much for the pipe you gave me for my birthday, it was such a valuable gift!
- You're welcome, Moyshe, it only cost 5 shekels.
- But now my parents give me 10 every day so I don't have to play it.
Vitalie Postolache:
- Uncle Izya, thank you so much for the pipe you gave me for my birthday, it's such a valuable gift!
- You're welcome, Moyshe, it only cost 5 shekels.
- But now my parents give me 10 every day, so I don't have to play it.

The parents bought their son a drum. Day and night, the noise kept the neighbours awake. One clever neighbour gave the boy a penknife and suggested he see what was inside.
The parents bought their son a drum. Day and night the rumbling noise kept the neighbours awake. One savvy neighbour gave the boy a penknife and suggested he see what was inside.
Our regimental chemist had left a rag soaked in chloropicrin in his entranceway as a protection against youths hanging out.
The walls were so saturated that no one seems to go in there without crying...