Interesting and Humour - page 2810

Reptiloids, ***
reptiloids, ***

Anyway, they sold it to someone and it will turn up somewhere, and it's better to resurface from the depths of the sea ))

and that's not the last I'll be finding anytime soon, there'll be more. )

SZS: it is not just the GDP to steal and launder everything. )

What's the states got to do with it?
Watch NTV Central Television and they will tell you how it is
Reptiloids, ***
in fact, they sold it to someone and it will turn up somewhere, so let it turn up from the depths of the sea )<br / translate="no">
is it about penguins ?do not trade against the iceberg! 2. What is an iceberg in trading and who is a penguin?
В Японии разработали первый в мире моющийся телефон
В Японии разработали первый в мире моющийся телефон
  • 2015.12.03
Японская компания Kyocera разработала смартфон Digno Rafre, главная особенность которого в том, что его можно мыть обычным мылом, передает портал The Verge. По словам авторов, устройство пригодится для использования в самых разных ситуациях, включая купание в ванне. В Kyocera отмечают, что сенсорный дисплей гаджета работает даже в намоченном...
A frank account by an employee of the "kitchen" of how things work there. <br / translate="no">
Mmmmmmmm, yeah, a chef like that can only be awarded an honorary patron of the kitchen.


Alexey Busygin:

Towards a road topic

A patch like that in the road will last a bit longer. I've seen hot asphalt poured into a puddle a few times in the rain.