Interesting and Humour - page 4918

Why pay a lot of money to render something you can just shoot with a camera? There are already plenty of such devices, even self-made ones, the only issue is certification and release for mass use
Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

Oh, man...

It's a rubbish machine. No, the camera might be OK, but compared to the camera everyone shot it with, it's rubbish. I'd like to see the camera that's circling around it so beautifully during the whole shoot. The one you can't see is a good one!

Shoker #:
FPV sports copter

Saw it a few minutes ago.

Apparently the crisis has reached here too)))

Aleksandr Yakovlev #:

Saw it a few minutes ago.

Apparently the crisis has reached here as well))))

The banner is of course a high-schooler's hype level 😀


There are plenty of such jobs in DCs. And brokers too...


It's not just elections where there are throw-ins)

KEEEovBl.jpg  156 kb
Aleksandr Borodavkin #:

Throw-ins don't just happen in elections)

this is amazing 😁

Trader Jorge we trust you completely 🤣

U.S. trader Stephen Gallagher was able to earn more than $1 million by promoting penny stocks on his Twitter account, Bloomberg says. The 50-year-old trader was arrested in the United States on Tuesday, October 26, for using a pump & dump scheme.
В США арестовали трейдера, заработавшего с помощью Twitter $1 млн
В США арестовали трейдера, заработавшего с помощью Twitter $1 млн
  • РБК
Популярный пользователь Twitter искусственно разгонял цены «грошовых» акций, после чего продавал их с прибылью. До момента ареста трейдеру удалось заработать на этом более миллиона долларов Американский трейдер Стивен Галлахер смог заработать более $1 млн, рекламируя «грошовые» акции (penny stocks — акции, которые стоят меньше $5) в своем...
PapaYozh #:
For using the pump & dump scheme.

- Tell me, what you do here, is it legal at all?

- Well.... Pretty much.