Interesting and Humour - page 674


By the way, about recursion.

There's a great one, I wanted to post it in the foursome once, when the religious riots were typhooning there, but I was too lazy to look it up.

I just happened to come across it the other day....

Read it if you haven't, just to familiarise yourself with recursion.

War and Peace - would you like to publish it in text?
War and Peace - would you like to publish in text?
What's the joke?

The coordinates of the place where millions of people send each other every day have finally been found. If every tenth person sent, went there, it would become the most populous city in the world. The settlement of Nahui (Peru).


saw a sign on one of the houses... of course there were a couple of cars parked under it



Standing there, rummaging through kitchen linens. Behind my back is a metal mesh basket. In the basket are hats, caps, panama hats.

By the basket is my mother and a boy about 10-11 years old. On the other side of the basket is a grandpa. Very decent, but extremely decrepit.
The boy grabs from the basket a huge scarlet hat with wide brim and a poppy on the side. He puts it on in excitement and yells:
- Mama, mama, look at my hat!

- What are you doing?! - Mama yells, "What are you doing, grabbing a woman's hat?! Are you an idiot?! What are you, a pussy?! You should have put on a woman's underwear too! Why are you grabbing women's stuff like a faggot?! Wear a bra too! Go on, go on, try on the bra!
I'm burying myself in a Kleenex: "None of your business, shut up, stupid, wait for your grandchildren and bring them up!"

Suddenly the decrepit grandfather...
With an inexpressibly-anecdotal "Odessa" accent, gracelessly and assisted by gestures:
- Taki madam, you are already instructing the boy in vain! Having had such a paragon of a woman around since childhood, your boy will easily become a pederast without any further instruction!

Silent scene.

Me, peeling off the covers:
- Grandpa, may I kiss you on the cheek?
- It's anytime," says Grandpa.

(c) xz.