Interesting and Humour - page 3552

Прикольные автопортреты (то есть селфи) животных
Прикольные автопортреты (то есть селфи) животных
Оказывается, существует технология, которая позволяет получать селфи зверей! Это сенсорные камеры HTC RE. Они имеют датчик захвата и фотографируют, если любопытное животное коснется прибора. Посмотрите на коллекцию таких селфи, это кайф! Любопытные мордочки и диких, и домашних животных повысят ваше настроение.


Vladimir Tkach:
I think the first thing you do is open your mouth - to yawn :)
There are times when users argue in threads, and sometimes in "high tones". Moderators call such friction "forum aggression", though of course it's not aggression ... that word should be put in quotes here too ... but why does it happen?

The reason was found by one of the English moderators (the English part also has its share of heated arguments):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Why is MT5 better than MT4? Because it has fewer limitations ?

Alain Verleyen, 2017.01.22 12:56

Everyone is free to have their opinion and express it. But facts and data are more valuable. And if an opinion clearly contradicts the facts, it's just not worth discussing.

The problems start when someone tries to present their opinion as the ultimate truth by presenting opinion as fact. And this often happens, sometimes so often that no one even thinks about it or re-reads the constantly repeated opinions presented as law/axiom. I will never agree with this, and I will not allow such behaviour to develop while I am a moderator.

Good morning.

Responsive guys, though :)



enough to double the position