Interesting and Humour - page 2243

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Last night, while standing on the balcony, I noticed a hedgehog in the grass. Can you find him in the photo?


Last night, while standing on the balcony, I noticed a hedgehog in the grass. Can you find him in the photo?

Sure I can! ))


Of course! )) ))

yeah. that's him.)

tiny... maybe 50 millimetres long.


Hence: Vasya Lozhkin (real name Alexei Kudelin) - artist not only hands but also head, throat singer, former alcoholic (now swears he doesn't drink at all), who flooded Runet with his creativity.

He draws pictures from life in the fictional town of Kobylozadovsk (the equivalent of any dormitory district in any city in this country), through which he mocks the types of reality around him.

In fact, the inspiration is not an imaginary city, but his native town Zamkadska near Moscow, in which Vasya lives. He dislikes Moscow for its hustle and bustle, but loves Kiev and dreams of moving there in the future.

On the own confession - to draw not able, however pictures turn out unusually atmospheric and quickly fall in my mind. Does not suffer from copyism. Despite the bullish creativity - not conflicted.

The main themes for creativity: the bool, the urban madmen, hares, Jews, Cats, the army.


I can add from myself that you can not draw this when he is sober.
They say he had an exhibition of his paintings in Moscow.
His famous 'Great and Beautiful Russia' map (drawn by him on behalf of his character 'bulls') walks around Runet :)

Вася Ложкин
  • 2013.12.20
  • vasya_lozhkin
Итак, я величайших художник наших дней, мои картины висят во всех музеях страны, в галереях у самых богатых новых русских и арабских нефтяных шейхов.
We're out of vodka! The last bubbly!
That's it, I'm going to a monastery!
Just haven't decided which one yet:

You should be in a woman's, but you WANT to be in a man's!


Good night.
Live a little lighter.

Поппи стала самой старой кошкой в мире
Поппи стала самой старой кошкой в мире
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