Interesting and Humour - page 1832

In a quiet time after watching this channel they say it's scary to go outside... I wonder why there hasn't been a gut-wrenching, bloody blockbuster about poor, small and defenceless Berkut rioters being beaten up on the Maidan. And anyway, what do they eat on the Maidan? And does it smell like human flesh?
I can't watch it at a quiet time, they say it's scary to go out after watching it... I wonder why there is no guts and blood blockbuster about poor, small and defenceless Berkut rioters being beaten up on the Maidan. And anyway, what do they eat on the Maidan? And does it smell like human flesh?

Yeah na )

I really couldn't watch the whole thing, I'm starting to throw up.

I do not understand what Putin has been saying for years about Russia's European integration. And the Ukrainians do not. They are not ready.)
I do not understand it, Putin has been talking about Russia's European integration for years. But the Ukrainians do not. Not ready.)

I saw it, I burped.

You can't go in the middle of it :)


I saw it, I burped.

Don't get in the middle of it :)

Just think how Lukas and Putin are looking at you now.
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ТАК ВИГЛЯДАЮТЬ ПРОВОКАТОРИ? Азаров заявив, що під час силового розгону мирного мітингу "Беркутом" на "площі були не студенти, а дуже добре підготовлені...

I did not say that.

What I meant was that the Russian one will probably be a manual.

And [so as not to ruin the paper] it will be in the form of a PDF file.

Ahhhh... Semyon Semyonych... And I was getting into the maze of logic.