Interesting and Humour - page 3797

For example here. But the states don't care about that. The King is a son of a bitch of course, but it is their son of a bitch.
Well, the same, and much more negative, can be said about Russia's rather odious friends Hafez Assad, Hassan Rouhani, the head of Hezbollah Sheikh Nasrallah
(Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist organization not only by many civilized countries but even by the League of Arab States,)
Hamas' Politburo chief Khaled Mashal (Hamas is also recognised as a terrorist organisation), Kim Jong-un, the late Yasser Arafat and Hugo Chavez, and many similar figures.
In general, both the USSR in the past and Russia today were and are able to choose their "worthy" friends.
Except that I, a Russian, am not asked whether I want to be friends with such trash.
Was Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya easy and simple?

I don't know about all of them, you can watch a movie -"To the Land of Blood and Honey" by Angelina Jolie.

Libya surprised me, it turns out there was a Syrian base there... Conclude on the level of bias involved in the Syrian conflict.

Aleksey Levashov:
Except that I - a Russian - am not asked whether I want to be friends with such rubbish.

Why, would you like, as Lenin bequeathed - every cook can run the state. Or do you want a vote on every occasion? The state operates on slightly different principles. To solve international problems, there is a president, a government, and a Foreign Ministry. The people elect the president and the Duma deputies, and they form the government. We should trust it, because in every case the final word should belong to experts, not to individual citizens of the country who are disgruntled.



There are reasons to question the possibility of trust.

...The people elect the president and Duma members, and they...

Don't tell me about that. Tell me more about Churov. It'll be fun to hear.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
There are reasons to question the possibility of trust.
The election results do not cast any doubt on the wishes of the vast majority of the population.
The election results cast no doubt on the wishes of the vast majority of the population.

I'm talking about Thomas, he's talking about Yeremiah. There is a reason, there is.

Aleksey Levashov:
Well, the same, and much more negative, can be said about Russia's rather odious friends Hafez Assad, Hassan Rouhani, the head of Hezbollah Sheikh Nasrallah
(Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist organization not only by many civilized countries but even by the League of Arab States,)
Hamas' Politburo chief Khaled Mashal (Hamas is also recognised as a terrorist organisation), Kim Jong-un, the late Yasser Arafat and Hugo Chavez, and many similar figures.
In general, both the USSR in the past and Russia today were and are able to choose their "worthy" friends.
The only thing is that I, a Russian, am not asked whether I want to be friends with such rubbish.

I recommend listening to Satanovsky, he explains a lot about the Middle East. In particular, how realistic, and if realistic, what methods can be used to build a secular state there.

People like him are asked.

Aleksey Levashov:
Don't tell me about that. Tell me more about the magician Churov. It would be fun to hear about it.
Well, it is a classic of the genre: the opposition who do not get the right number of votes, at all times and in all countries, explain their failures by rigging votes in elections).
Well, it is a classic of the genre: - the opposition, not getting the right number of votes, at all times and in all countries explain their failures by fraudulent elections).

I absolutely agree with you!

In 1933 the majority of German citizens voted and chose their leader, but the vile and despicable opposition also had the nerve to claim that Adolf Hitler came to power through intimidation and blackmail....
