Interesting and Humour - page 1981


It took a very long time to read the third word...


Satisfied cats by Anton Gortsevich:

Рисунки Антона Горцевича
Рисунки Антона Горцевича
Антон Горцевич родился в Смоленске в 1974 году. Закончил Тверское областное художественное училище им А.Г. Венецианова, живописно-педагогическое отделение. С 2004 года является членом...

The President of Belarus has assured that the loan to his country by the Russian Federation will not be simply wasted.

"We are the closest nations, the closest states in the world. There is no closer. Maybe, unfortunately. It's a joy for us!" stressed Lukashenko.

He thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for the decision to provide the loan. Russia will lend two billion dollars to Belarus in 2014. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 25 December, ITAR-TASS reported.


I do not get it, why is he giving everyone money?


I don't get it. Why is he handing out money

Is he buying indulgences?
buying indulgences?
So you have a place to go if you need to...?
buying indulgences?
Our budget is in the toilet and he is like Father Christmas with a sack.
our budget's in the toilet, and he's like Father Christmas with a sack.
that's us... and he's all right...