Interesting and Humour - page 2198

Вспышка в небе над Мурманском: жители города наблюдали за полётом крупного метеорита
  • 2014.04.19
Небо над Мурманском на несколько секунд осветила яркая вспышка голубоватого оттенка. В плотные слои атмосферы вошёл крупный метеорит. Впрочем, по всей видимости, он сгорел довольно далеко от поверхности земли. О нанесённом ущербе тоже не сообщалось. Многие жители Мурманска успели заснять редкое зрелище на камеры своих мобильных телефонов и...

Julia Vince is a barbie with a pumped-up body.


"I am someone who is not in the past or in the future. I am the now".


Julia Vince is a barbie with a pumped-up body.

She has learned how to use steroids, but apparently not how to use her brain.


She has learned how to use steroids, but apparently not how to use her brain.

"Use ofsteroids and anabolic drugs denied."
"Deniessteroid and anabolic druguse."

It's very traditional for everyone to get on TV.

Muscle hypertrophy like hers cannot be achieved naturally.


It's very traditional for everyone to get on TV.

Muscle hypertrophy like hers cannot be achieved naturally.

Somehow I feel that way too.

It's very traditional for everyone to get on TV.

Muscle hypertrophy like hers is impossible to achieve naturally.

Come on, impossible. Normal build, masculine. I'm guessing she didn't work out on steroids.

Said she was taking sports nutrition. With a proper regimen and a proper workout, a gainer can do wonders for your muscles.