Interesting and Humour - page 2462


Cruel) humour.



Кожаный автомобиль (10 фото) » Автомобильный журнал - Инетавто.ру
Кожаный автомобиль (10 фото) » Автомобильный журнал - Инетавто.ру
автор: Franki На одном из сайтов, на продажу выставлен очень необычный автомобиль. Он целиком покрыт натуральной кожей, а салон отделан дорогими мехами! Прямо мечта сутенера. Но вот...

Good night

BeeChallenge (Новая забава зовется ‪#‎BeeChallenge‬Суть этой новоиспеченной моды заключается в том, что барышня должна напялить лифчик на лик настолько, дабы его чашечки образовали что-то вроде глаз будто у пчелы)
BeeChallenge (Новая забава зовется ‪#‎BeeChallenge‬Суть этой новоиспеченной моды заключается в том, что барышня должна напялить лифчик на лик настолько, дабы его чашечки образовали что-то вроде глаз будто у пчелы)
Новая забава зовется ‪#‎BeeChallenge‬Суть этой новоиспеченной моды заключается в том, что барышня должна напялить лифчик на лик настолько, дабы его чашечки образовали что-то вроде глаз будто у пчелы. И сделать селфи настолько, дабы в кадр влетели еще и нагие сиськи. Сделав подобный кадр или видео надобно передать эстафету ещё трём своим подругам, какие должны повторить все эти же деяния в течение 24 часов. Предлагаю в комментариях собрать коллекцию ;)
25 ways to calm your nerves

1. Take a 10-minute walk. This will help your body relax and relieve the tension that leads to anxiety.

2. Listen to relaxing or at least regular music that you like. This will help you take your mind off the stressors.

3. Stop the intrusive thoughts. Even better would be to work intensely in nature.

4. Stop talking about your past. If you can't do it that easily, get help from a professional. Soon, try again to keep up with life, live in the present and forget the past.

5. Breathe slowly. This will help to release some of the tension you are feeling.

6. Count to ten. This technique will help you maintain concentration and avoid rash words and actions which you would later regret.

7. Use positive affirmations. A pep talk to yourself is a useful technique that you can use at any time to avoid a nervous breakdown or loss of control over your feelings and emotions.

8. Take care of yourself! Avoid self-blame and berating yourself - it will only add to your stress.

9. Get some sleep or at least some rest. Rest is very important for taking care of your body. When you're tired, you become irritable and nervous, which can lead to health problems.

10. Talk to a family friend. Sharing your distress with someone you trust can help reduce your stress and even find a way out of your situation.

11. avoid caffeine - it's a strong stimulant and can lead to increased tension.

12. Try massaging. This will have a positive effect on your muscle tone. Your muscles may be tense, which leads to stress.

13. Time management (time management). Prioritise and use your time wisely. Do things in the order of their importance. 14.

14) take your time. It's a bad habit that can lead to problems in the future. It is also an unnecessary stressor that can be avoided.

15. Avoid excessive workloads. You should try to balance your time between work and family. Overworking can lead to serious health problems and lack of personal time can lead to deteriorating family relationships, including stress and depression.

16. Ask for help. It can be very helpful to get help or advice from your family or friends during a difficult time for you.

17. Do something fun, funny. Humour always helps with stress and is very helpful in life in general.

18. Live for today and plan for tomorrow. Don't overburden yourself with worries and planning that can wait.

19. Keep a diary. By putting your thoughts and feelings on paper, you allow problems to leave you faster.

20. Laugh and smile more. This is a great relaxation practice to stay in good spirits and keep a positive attitude. Watch a funny show, film or go to an entertainment club.

21. eagles don't hunt flies. Learn to ignore minor annoyances (e.g. losing money, forgetting items, interacting with "difficult" people, etc.). If it's not worth your time and can be ignored - ignore it and don't look back.

22. Tidy up the house. Tidying up your house is a great way to relieve stress and increase your sense of comfort.

23. be optimistic! Stop being negative - it's up to you to interact with yourself all day, every day.

24. Stop trying to be perfect. Nothing and never will be. It only leads to false expectations, leading to excessive stress in certain situations.

25. Stop trying to control everything. Learn to relax and do what you can. It's not easy to accept the fact that you can control some things and not others, but it helps a lot in today's stressful world. It is also a great example of what your priority goals are.

Good morning!



In the comments of the video there has already been speculation that the video is a viral video promoting the new season of the Russian TV series "Fizruk", the release of which is expected in November this year.

"Gazeta.Ru" got through to Dmitry Nagiyev, but his participation in the ad actor categorically denied: "This video, I have nothing to do and the series does not need advertising of this nature," - said Nagiyev. Meanwhile, studying the photo album dedicated to the series, a group of one social network, you can find several images of Gelandewagen, which drives the main character of the series. On one of the photos of the car one can see such a number.

Recently, more and more viral videos have started to appear on the Internet. For example, a video of a road traffic incident involving action figures from popular children's cartoons was part of the propaganda campaign for turnout in the Chelyabinsk Region gubernatorial election. A video of a road show in which a man dressed as Sponge Bob, Mickey Mouse, Luntik and Squirrel beats up his attacker has gathered more than 1.5 million views on the Internet.