Interesting and Humour - page 4627

Andrey Dik:
All of the robot's reactions to external stimuli are visibly delayed and are not quantitatively commensurate with the force of the impact. so you can see that the robot deflects its head by the same amount as a light ball hit with a stool. the profanity is visible and understandable to the attentive viewer.

The fight with the robot is a production (a computer graphics studio was training - there's a video of it What Boston Dynamics does is a fake confirmation I don't have.

New Robot Can Now Fight Back! (Corridor Digital)
New Robot Can Now Fight Back! (Corridor Digital)
Consider Our Merchandise! ► WATCH HOW WE MADE THIS (Amazing) ► The new robots at Bos...

About the robot shooting and the fight - a long known production. About BD - I think it's just a theory. I wrote even before these clips that BD makes good mechanics (we have no autonomous powered anthropomorphs), but weak AI (everything is programmed by maps with all obstacles and barcodes).

Russia is working in a different direction, AI first. Only our autopilots can drive without intervention for hundreds of kilometres on snowy roads (without markings), using only cameras, GPS and publicly available maps. There have already been at least two confirmations - a year or two ago a car drove from Russia to Europe for a competition, and recently it drove across America for a competition. Our autopilot combines work only with cameras, as opposed to foreign ones, which are hung up with a bunch of sensors and tied to emitting reference points. This means there is no need to create a special infrastructure around the field, only to set the map. And they are bought in Europe.

Russia has a very big problem with the implementation of robotics. It is very far behind in this, as opposed to development. Unfortunately, only everything connected with defence is implemented well.

PS: In the Russian commercials nothing is thrown at the robots, they are pushed with a pole. That is why they do not rebel ;) If they pass a law to protect the rights of electronic minorities, they will be less offended by Russia.
Edgar Akhmadeev:

About the robot shooting and the fight - a long known production. About BD - I think it's just a theory. I wrote even before these clips that BD makes good mechanics (we have no autonomous powered anthropomorphs), but weak AI (everything is programmed by maps with all obstacles and barcodes).

Russia is working in a different direction, AI first. Only our autopilots can drive without intervention for hundreds of kilometres on snowy roads (without markings), using only cameras, GPS and publicly available maps. There have already been at least two confirmations - a year or two ago a car was driving from Russia to Europe for a competition, and recently it drove across America for a competition. Our autopilot combines work only with cameras, as opposed to foreign ones, which are hung up with a bunch of sensors and tied to emitting reference points. This means there is no need to create a special infrastructure around the field, only to set the map. And they are bought in Europe.

Russia has a very big problem with the implementation of robotics. It is very far behind in this, as opposed to development. Unfortunately, only everything connected with defence is being implemented well.

PS: In Russian commercials they don't throw anything at the robots, they are pushed with a pole. That's why they don't rebel ;) If they pass a law to protect the rights of electronic minorities, they will be less offended by Russia.

I'm reading and can't understand anything - are you basing this on primary sources or are you just delusional?

Do you even realise that AIs that drive for hundreds of kilometres using only TV cameras, GPS and sensorless maps are nonsense?

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Here you have a drone driving on the road. How does it navigate the traffic - by video camera WITHOUT sensors?


I'm reading this and I can't understand it - are you basing this on any primary sources or are you just delusional?

Do you even realise that AIs that drive for hundreds of kilometres on TV cameras, GPS and sensorless maps alone are delusional?


Here you have a drone driving down the road. How does it navigate the traffic - by video camera WITHOUT sensors?

Bullshit is not following the news and stupidly throwing around words. There's not much else to say.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Bullshit is not following the news and stupidly throwing around words.

OK, give me a pruf on an unmanned vehicle that only drives by video camera, maps and GPS

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Only our autopilots can drive without interference for hundreds of kilometres on snowy roads (without markings), using only cameras, GPS and publicly available maps.

Then you probably wouldn't mind providing links to contests with documented participation and results. Name of team or company.


Yes, yes. Put out the copies. And bring in witnesses.

Are you kidding me? Do I have to prove anything to anyone? See for yourself, or look it up if you're interested. That's where the real bullshit is.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Are you joking? Do I have to prove something to anyone? Watch it yourself, or look it up if you're interested. That's where the real bullshit is.

Unless you want to look like a clown.

If you're tinkering with c-pilot, let's start with the fact that their main focus now - the schematics - has little to do with what is now meant by an autonomous car.

And they use far more than just cameras - stereo cameras, radar, lidar and much more.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Yes, yes. Put out the copies. And bring in witnesses.

Are you kidding me? Do I have to prove anything to anyone? See for yourself, or look it up if you're interested. That's where the real bullshit is.

Don't get angry, don't pay attention to Russophobes, or you will be steaming in the bathhouse and they will keep trolling.
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Tesla с автопилотом: надежды компании и страшная реальность владельца
Компания Tesla 22 апреля 2019 года провела закрытую презентацию для инвесторов. Илон Маск в рамках мероприятия заявил, что в 2020-ом в некоторых штатах начнёт работу сервис роботакси, в котором уже через год будет свыше миллиона электромобилей с автопилотом пятого уровня. В доказательство своих слов Tesla опубликовала видео: процесс доставки...