Interesting and Humour - page 1744


Does anyone remember this? )

School, grade four or five. There's Romantic-306 and Kraftwerk in the briefcase. Not a remake like this one. I think it was 1979.

Ukraine is a bit crazy.

Take us in, give us some money for it and compensate us. If not, we will not go.)

Ukraine is not the Kuku, the Kuku rulers are the ones who will not receive money from the West, and those who will give it to them, they will give it against a receipt and will ask for every euro cent.

Ukraine is here: - and no one collected it, they did it themselves through mordocniga.


It's not Ukraine that is kuku, it's the rulers that are kuku after the money from the West won't come to them, and those that will be given, will be given against a receipt and will be asked for every euro cent.

Ukraine is here: - and no one collected it, they collected it themselves through mordocniga.

As if you do not start dividing it now, into western and eastern.
School, grade four or five. Romantic-306 and Kraftwerk in my briefcase. Not a remake like this one. I think it was 1979.
There's more grown-ups on this forum.)
however you start dividing it now, into western and eastern.
This is a misconception deeply ingrained in your minds.
This is a misconception deeply ingrained in your minds.
If wrong, good. I'm rooting for you.)

Good night

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