Interesting and Humour - page 1489

Any hard liquor?
Seriously, please. You're going to ruin your paranoia.
A worrying trend. We move at an accelerated pace through the universal electronic identity document (full transition in Russia is planned by 2030) to the identification chips implanted at birth. In which, solely for the convenience of taxpayers, remote-controlled paralytic capsules (especially advanced ones with cyanide) will also be embedded.

It's all flowers. Check this out at your leisure. :) >>>Moon 2112.


It's all flowers. Check this out at your leisure. :) >>>Moon 2112.

Too late. I've already seen it.

It's all flowers. Check this out at your leisure. :) >>>Moon 2112.

It's a cool movie, but I was stoned. Maybe that's why it stuck...

Who would doubt it, just lost a bit of weight)

In Seoul, a culinary festival of traditional Korean cuisine was held. One of the dishes on offer was live octopus, which the guests at the festival enthusiastically devoured.