Interesting and Humour - page 4385

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The second thought comes after

The first word is dearer than the second

What's in a sober man's head is in a drunken man's tongue.


Anyway, we can philosophize endlessly on this subject...

and yet...

Teachers are rarely wrong and, as they say, no comment is necessary.



successful trader:

Denis Sartakov:

successful trader:

Rather, a concerned and frustrated person for having received so much money in a month and thinking, "How to live then?"

good dad !

Aleksey Ivanov:
Rather, a concerned and frustrated man that he got that kind of money in a month and thinks: "How to live then?

Or maybe it's scalped in an hour.


I'm on a city bus. Near me, three boys are having a heated discussion. One says 3, another says no 7, and the third says no 5. I'm interested, so I ask. What was the argument about? The boy next to me says that there is a problem at school and we are arguing.

What problem? What grade are you in?

Second. The boy pulls out a pen and writes me the condition.

.43 . 28.

What letter should be put between the digits and what digit can be put before the first digit and what digit can be put after the last digit instead of dots.

Of course, I immediately realized that I had to put X between the digits, i.e. multiplication, and I calculated the result in my head. Right. I did it, I got 1204. But then I remembered I was doing it wrong. I had to substitute numbers for dots. The task got more complicated. So I started substituting and multiplying... .

And then it hit me. I gave the guys the answer. They said. That's right, that's what we need. They left happy and jumped off the bus. I woke up and wondered. Who in a dream could ask me tasks to which I did not know the answer in the first place? I had to rack my brains to find the answer.

Perhaps you can give me an accurate answer?

The American takes out the last bottle of vodka and tells the Russian:
- Will you?
- I'll fucking pour it on you!!!
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Or maybe it's scalped in an hour.

No, my friend! You seem to be out of touch with life. Most likely, this beautiful woman sits for 12 hours a day in a cold stall in a provincial town where people have no income and sells consumer goods, getting pennies on the proceeds.

And those who scalp that kind of money in an hour look something like this.

Aleksey Ivanov:

No, my friend! You seem to be out of touch with life. Most likely, this beautiful woman sits for 12 hours a day in a cold stall in a provincial town where people have no income, and trades in knick-knacks, getting pennies on the proceeds.

And those who scalp that kind of money in an hour look something like this.

the picture is a cheap ponce :-) if you look closely, he's got about 50 quid. And no money to shave.