Interesting and Humour - page 3624

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yes, 'City Zero', last shots, Lenid Filatov sailed off, sitting in a boat thinking something like - nh don't get it,

why them, why, where... what am I doing here....


Good morning

Глава Сколтеха откровенно рассказал о катастрофе в российском инженерном образовании
Глава Сколтеха откровенно рассказал о катастрофе в российском инженерном образовании
  • 2016.06.28
  • Антон Юлаев
Сегодня на очередных губернаторских чтениях в Тюмени с лекцией выступил академик РАН, ректор Сколковского института науки и технологий (Сколтех) Александр Кулешов. Ученый рассказал о том, что Россия в плане подготовки инженерных кадров оказалась на задворках цивилизации. Но несмотря на колоссальное отставание, уверен Кулешов, мы еще можем...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Good morning.

Is that what you're thinking when you look at this picture?

How could a boat have been jerry-rigged? Today's creatives have become so creative that they have lost all sense of reality.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What are you thinking when you look at this picture?

How could a boat have been jerry-rigged? Today's creatives have become so creative that they have lost all sense of reality.

It's so the intellectuals don't steal it.
Server Muradasilov:
There are such addresses, not surprisingly, it's not uncommon, see the CLADR)
Dmitry Fedoseev:

What are you thinking when you look at this picture?

How could a boat have been jerry-rigged? Today's creatives have become so creative that they have lost all sense of reality.

No surprise there. The peg was on the bank in the evening and in the morning it was in the water. In the lower reaches of rivers, there are very frequent tides. At the same time as the tide of the sea, the water rises even in small bays.
The bastard has activated again))) They call me, they send me an SMS with confirmation (code) by mistake, just dictate it. I said, they did not go through the chain at least one more time, let them leave him alone )))) . The phone number does not exist, as usual, the number they call from and send sms to does not exist either.
Alexey Viktorov:
No surprise there. The peg was on the bank in the evening and in the morning it was in the water. In the lower reaches of rivers, there are very frequent tides. Even in small bays the water rises at the same time as the tide of the sea.

Isn't the peg itself embarrassing? There is also a wet streak on the bottom of the boat, as if someone had just floated on it.